
Do you think big crimes would go down if the death penalty was bought back in UK?

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Do you think it would change anything?




  1. No. There is more crime in the US than in the UK or Europe (which don't use the death penalty). We use it and we still have a lot of crime.

  2. No.  Homicide rates are higher in states and regions (of the US) that have the death penalty than in those that don't.  Homicide rates are higher in the US than in the UK.

  3. Most murder are acts of passion or rage - the death penalty has no effect. And I think, I'm not sure to what extent, gives people the justification for multiple murders (you can't hang twice)

  4. No, people are loony, and don't think about consequences, until they are locked up, or on death row.  I do think it's a good idea to have death penalty though.  It uses way too much of the nations money to keep them in prison.

  5. From a lawyer.  Big crime is on the increase in the U.S. so it doesn't help here.  The death penalty will never be reinstated in the UK or the rest of Europe because you guys are far more civilized that the hateful mob of crazy people over here.

  6. God knows

  7. I think it would be a deterrent yes. However, the government does not have the back bone to bring it back.

  8. Maybe it would have no effect.  Some people commit murder due to severe mental illness, being in an extreme state of passion or with the idea they will not get caught. The death penalty may not be an effective deterrence in those cases.  You can also look to various places in the USA for statistics about death penalty reducing the number of homicides. It is interesting that states like Florida, Texas and Georgia that have the death penalty and impose it, still have significant numbers of murders.  Other states without the death penalty do not have a proportionately high number of murders. There may be other less violent ways to try to prevent homicides including eliminating the drug trade, better education and economic opportunity and better mental health services.

  9. Doubt it very much!It doesn't seem to have helped the situation in countries which have death penalty.

  10. No, statistical studies show that the death penalty is not effective as a deterrent.

  11. I live in the US which has a death penalty system. While I support the death penalty, I dont think that having a death penalty sytem has brough down crime so much.

    In some states in US, the death penalty is illegal, and legal in others, but I dont see any difference in crime rate.

    If you want to know how to bring down big crime rates, look at New York City and see how Rudy Guiliani was able to bring down the crime rate there.

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