
Do you think big government is horrible, Insurance is a scam, and people that think minimum wage....?

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Is adiquite ought to have there head examined? It seems some people just do not have a very good grasp on reality and do not live in the real world. I like to think that some people have some sense of reality, but their seems to be a lot of brain-washed Bozos out there that think there is nothing wrong with our country. What do you think is wrong with this country? I want some good rants and raves! Yell if you have to I want to know there are some senseible people out there!!!




  1. Vivianna:  I am with you all the way.  I have experienced a number of things in my lifetime that is utterly ridiculous and crazy.  Of course, all of the ranting and raving I have done hasn't seemed to help but I tried.

  2. I do think big government is horrible and insurance is a scam and I don't think there should be any minimum wage laws at all.   People can choose to work or not work for any job at the given price.  Lots of teenagers are very happy to get 5 bucks an hour, so are a lot of people that need training.

    Insurance to me is like the mafia, they make you pay for "protection" so you won't get hurt.   I pay even though I am hardly ever sick and I am paying for all those people who make stupid choices like smoking, drinking, partying, doing drugs when I am a healthy vegetarian.    Their lifestyle choices are their choice and none of us should have to pay for any of them.   Personally if I got a horrible disease that I absolutely knew I was going to die, I would take myself out rather than have my family have to pay for my care.

    I do not want government in my life.  I work hard for my money and don't want to support those who do not.

    I am smart and think for myself that is why I am conservative.

  3. Perhaps it seems that our gov't has given corporations rights as if they are people!  Corporations have no rights - only the people who run them.  If we could get rid of that line of thought  we might start to think like people and take our gov't back!

  4. I normally express balanced opinions here but, like a pregnant woman, I shall, for your benefit, express freely...

    I am enraged that a country with the best-designed constitution that ever existed has allowed it to be twisted into a disgraceful parody of sound and limited government.

    That relief for the deserving few has become graft for the masses and the lawyers and lobbyists who feed on them.

    That pensions and healthcare for the infirm have become a subsidy for the aged and idle rich.

    That the finest nation that ever existed and, indeed, invented itself, continually doubts its superiority to every other and has a peurile wish to be loved by others, instead of looking down on them with appropriate patrician distain.

    I agree with you about the joke that is 'minimum wage' etc.

  5. Yes, but it is our own fault for voting in taxers and spenders who keep building more government programs in example Homeland Security what they do could have been done by the Treasury service.  Don't forget all the social welfare programs out there, making lazy people more lazy or all the things social security pays for that it was never intended to.

      As for insurance it is a scam and always has been.  Until we stop suing each other for everything that goes wrong it will remain the same.

    Raise minimum wage everything goes up accordingly.  A few more low wage earners loose their job.  Same thing happens every time we raise it.

  6. People that advocate government mandated increases in the minimum wage do not understand economic realities. First, the majority off minimum wage earners are teens and those with very little skill. Increases in the minimum wage always results in the weakest workers being put out of work. Is minimum wage enough to live on? No but the people making minimum wage are not in those positions to make a living. People move up the ladder. Insurance can be a scam- I paid about $350 a yr for full coverage auto insurance in the mid 1990s, now on the same type of vehicle I pay more than that for 6 mths of just liability. Interesting. Health insurance premiums vary by state due to the ridiculous mandates that many states place on them. You will see that between states, the premium on a policy for a single person can vary by hundreds of dollars. Big government is horrible, it never does anything efficiently or effectively.  We should be helping people achieve independence rather than working to force more people to become more dependent- that is what is wrong with our country

  7. Our goverment has it's flaws for sure and theres a lot of room for improvement but I still say it's the best around. If you are looking for perfection or looking for the ideal set up you will never find it in any country. There is good and bad at every level and we all should do all we can to make things better. I don't think our goverment is horrible, insurance is out of control and minimum wage doesn't apply to me except for what it will cost me!

  8. If everything were perfect, there'd be no incentive to every improve anything.  Living would lose all meaning as there'd be no purpose, no sense of accomplishment.

    But nothing is perfect, things can always be improved, but you have to get over the idea that it absolutely MUST be improved today to suit you.

    If you think America sucks, I offer you any one of the thousands of other places to live.  You'll find that, as much as America can be improved, it's still much preferable to most other places.  (I speak from wide experience in that area.)

    Yes, I agree that big government is bloated, unwieldy, and an aggravation.  Insurance can definitely be improved.  And minimum wage, as it currently stands, is NOT sufficient.  But considering how much worse it could be, from what I've experienced elsewhere, I'm content to fix it in an orderly fashion rather than rant and wail about coming up with quick fixes that will create more problems than it will solve.

    Emergency surgery is not needed for a band-aid solution, and band-aids are not permanent solutions.  (Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.  Take time to examine what you're ranting about.)

  9. Those with money control those with out they even control our dreams

  10. Most people see the faults and have ideas on how to fix them. Things just aren't bad enough yet to move them to organize to do the job themselves. Hence, they turn it over to partisan cigar puffers and what you get is what we've got.

  11. Insurance must be provided to the people at low cost and minimum wage must be increased to improve the standard of living.

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