
Do you think bigfoot believes in god?

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Do you think bigfoot believes in god?




  1. If bigfoot does exist, I am sure he said," God created Bigfoot in God's image."

  2. i think they're both nonexistent  

  3. i dunno, but i heard sasquatch believes in allah.

  4. He will believe when he gets stepped on by God's bigger foot.

  5. Did you know that Biggfoot likes to steal swiss cheese and rub it against is feets and genitals ?

  6. he's too busy foolin around with Littlehand

  7. no..but god believes in bigfoot

  8. only on sunday

  9. I did see one of those "Footprints in the Sand" posters that was like 50 feet square.

  10. He should.  Do you think God believes in bigfoot?

  11. your question is incomplete, does bigfoot exist? do animals believe in god? is the thought of religion restricted to intelligent life? if bigfoot actally is real, is he more animal or human? if he is human and communicates such as we do then yes he probably does believe in something such as a god but if he is just an animal such as a bear or dog then there is no such belief.

  12. If bigfoot and god both existed they would believe in each other, but since they dont exist, they cant believe in anything.

  13. he lives just down the street from me. ill pop round and ask him

  14. That is a stupid question but it's cool we have nothing better to do .

  15. can you ask him for us and let us know?

  16. Well I'm size 13, and I believe in God.

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