
Do you think bigfoot has been found in Georgia?

by  |  earlier

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I really believe the 2 guys, but the other dude in charge has been very unreliable in the past. I would like to believe them all, but I will always remember how that little crazy dude said he killed jon benet ramsey, just for publicity, I mean thats crazy and with people like that in the world, who know's it could all be a lie.

p.s. bigfoot is real, and hopefully this is, so everyone will start to believe eyewitnesses once again




  1. I wish it could have been real, oh well maybe one day.

  2. NOOOOOOO it looks so fake!

  3. nope

  4. may i ask why you believe what fox news tells you? theyre liars, kind of like a tabloid tv show. entertaining? yes. truthful? no.

  5. 1. Get a fake big foot

    2. Play joke on world and make a website to lead them to.

    3. Wait until enough people talk about it on the internet to post links to the website everywhere.

    4. Place ads on website so even after everyone finds out its a hoax, theres still tons of links leading to your website so you can get rich when they click on the ads.

    Everytime they do an interview or post the footage, they make sure the link to their website is mentioned. Theres no ads on there because then people wouldnt link to it and talk about it, but there will be after a week or so goes by. I make money from ads on all my sites. If I had the media attention these guys have right now and the number if incoming links, I'd be making $20,000 a week minimum. Notice how the first person who answered this question posted a link to the youtube video? Notice how theres a link in the youtube videos description to their website, plus they mention it in the actual video. Imagine how many people are posting links like the first answerer just did all across the internet. Thats big money.

    p.s. I live in Thailand where the "little guy who said he killed jon benet ramsey" was in jail. He didnt say that for publicity, he said that to get transferred to an american jail because although Thailand is a great country to live and many freedoms, the jails are the worst. He was already in jail in Thailand for other crimes before he claimed to have killed her. Just in case you wanted to know the real reason.

  6. I think there gonna do a DNA

  7. Don't know

  8. yes

  9. I will believe it when a scientist states positively that it is truly "bigfoot".

    And when they run a special about it on animal planet.

  10. why are people so ignorant to believe such silly nonsense.  

  11. Maybe, I don't know, they didn't show us the body clearly ...I doubt it because it could have just been an unusually large animal?? 0.o

  12. No.  The one person the "discoverers" allowed to see it already did DNA testing and it was a hoax.

  13. once science proves it, then i will believe. i believe there are big foots too. your not alone there!

  14. Fake! Scam to make money!

  15. It was a hoax.

  16. i would love to believe that they did find bigfoot in georgia, but unfortunantly i saw the pics and he just looked fake... :(

  17. i think its possible. read my question its about bigfoot---;...

  18. Yeah, we call it "Russia"

  19. ya its crazy

  20. I think this is what they've planned: They'll never produce the body, of course.  But the DNA was supposed to appear to be some composite of human and ape.  Instead, the results of three samples came back human, possum & unexamined.

    The hoax is already falling apart.

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