
Do you think birth certificate reform might be a better approach?

by  |  earlier

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to allow all citizens the right to their origins?




  1. While in general I would say yes, and that it would be great for future generations...(especially donor/surrogate children)

    I do feel that this would not help those whose records are already locked etc as I am sure that all those who oppose open records now would surely fight any changes/reform of birth certificates to not be  retroactive

  2. I don't know, but I do believe the Civil Rights of all adoptees in all 50 States has been violated. I would propose at this convention in July of this year in New Orleans that a class action lawsuit should be filed in the Federal Courts for Civil Rights Violations. Dead People(who have no rights according to Social Security and the unborn have more rights than you guys. You talk about IDENTITY THEFT, WHAT IS THIS IF NOT THAT? Sorry, I had to get in my two cents worth this afternoon. I've been thinking back awhile and now remember how rudely I was treated when making inquiries by the women answering the phone. My daughter was supposed to be adopted through Catholic Charities in 1967. I found out from her that she was transferred out and put up for private adoption. All Catholic Charities told me was they have no record of her birth. You would think my lawyer would have informed me of that. He didn't and I was kept in the dark all these years. I disclosed my ethnic origin before her birth but she had no idea who she was until we talked. I told her my origins and her mothers. Talk about hiding c**p and the big secrecy stuff. I had a Top Secret Clearance when I was in the U.S. Air Force which is next to the top and we didn't hide as much stuff as these agencies. OK. I am through with my Irish temper and rant for now. See Ya.....Ed

  3. Yes!  Birth certificate reform would do away with all the people saying we need to protect the birth parents.  It is a great approach to allow all citizens access to their original birth certificates.

  4. Yes.  I think a lot more needs to be done with adoption reform (i.e. better education for the public, for PAP's, for professionals working with adoptive families, etc.), but JUST for this part of adoption, yes, birth certificate reform would cut out a lot of issues.

  5. Yes!

    Lets see an Original Birth Ceritificate and an Adoption Certificate.

  6. Good idea Cam and I think it's wonderful that an adoptive parent is showing concern on this issue

    Really I just wanted to give Irish a huge cheer - yay Irish!

    ps. I'm celebrating St. Paddy's day for the first time ever since discovering my 'Irishness' last year - yay! better late than never, I'm only 37 :(

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