
Do you think black people are voting for Obama just because he's black?

by Guest66547  |  earlier

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I personally think if that was the case Al Sharpton would have gotten support. He is an ignorant extremist to me. So what is your true opinion, no racist slurs please.




  1. I think intelligent, well educated people are voting Obama........

    Sharpton gets the moron and idiot vote.

    Bush got the "too stupid to qualify for Moron" vote.

  2. Alan Keyes, the Republican from Maryland, was/is a very well-spoken intelligent man who, unfortunately, was a Republican.

    And as you say, Da Rev, Al Sharpton, is an ignorant extremist (dare I dredge up 'Tawana Brawley') .

    Neither of them got many black votes, much less white votes.

    I am sure that many blacks are eager to see a black (okay, 1/2 black --my bad) person on The Top Ticket. But so are a lot of whites, Asians, native Americans, South Sea Islanders, Inuits, and immigrants from around the world, and maybe, even, people in other countries are regaining a modicum of respect for America, respect that Dubya has squandered over for the past eight years.

    I'm voting for Obama because I see and hear that McCain is really McBush, McSame and McPain. It hurts me, as a Vietnam vet, to see the last possible Vietnam vet able to run for Prez be defeated, but it's his own fault. His poor choice and faulty decision-making leading to the choice of a vanilla Barbie as his VP put the final nail in his coffin, in my opinion.

    I have listened to what they both say. But I will be WATCHING what they do even more carefully. However, I'm 99.9% for Obama/Biden at this point in time. IF O/B s***w up, at least I'll have a chance to make a different choice in 2012, so God Bless our viable election system.    

  3. No. A great deal of black people voted for hilary in the primaries and are voting for McCain. This is a lie spread by the biased liberal media. Not surprising really but it's the biased liberal media's way of twisting the truth to tap into "white guilt". Such a pathetic appeal doesn't work on me. The black people who are voting for obama are usually the product of liberal ideas such as welfare and food stamps. This has created a class of people who have no drive to earn for themselves so they like his liberal goverment handout take care of you ideas. Now I'm not generalizing and saying all black people can't take care of themselves as some idiots will think I am saying. I know plenty of black people who have made their own way in life without government help whom are voting for obama and others for McCain. It's called an opinion and everyone has one.

    And before calling me a racist grow up. That card has been used by obama and his zombie hordes so much it's lost it's value as it's not true. But they wan't people to feel like this, to feel guilty of somthing they had nothing to do with.

    My grandparents on both side came from Germany, Humgary, and Sweden in the early 1900's as immigrants. Long after slavery, and yet I'm suppossed to feel guilty for slavery... What about all the other slavery going on right now in the rest of the world? No one ever talks about that. This racial divide in America doesn't exist. Thanks to Republicans. Oh, yes there is racism but to tap into reverse racism for political gain like obama and the biased liberal media is racism. So there racists and hypocrytes.

    Edit: To the person above me you are probably correct and so is the basis of the original question in part but not in whole. Not all black people are but you won't hear that on the news.

  4. Sorry not me because if Colon Powell had ran, I would have said Obama who? I just like him as a prospect more than McCain.

  5. Your question has no grounds. Women didn't vote for Hilary because she was a women, why would black people vote for Obama just because he's black? I am sure some people who never cared about who was president before, stood and took notice because a black man was running, but that doesn't mean they'll vote for him. I am a white women and I will vote for him in 08, simply because he has new ideas that other presidents have never even though of. It's time for a change!!!!!!

  6. well in my opion some!! but some black people i know say that OBAMA is not even 100% black! he's half white if it wasn't for his WHITE grandparent's he would've been dumped in opraned!! sad i know he LIE'S alot!!

  7. Yes, some are voting for Obama because he his black

    On the other hand, some people will not vote for him because he is black

    It goes both ways, and they are both wrong

    You should vote for who is better looking, only kidding

    You should vote for the person that you believe that is best for the job, not other reason

  8. I think there are a large # voting for him because he is black.There are plenty of white ppl also doing the same.

  9. you know i really don't think so on the majority but there are quite a few who are. just the same as it were about Hilary C., you know there were women who voted for her just because of her s*x that why they are still mad the rest are supporting Obama  

  10. I think to say that is like saying women would support Palin because she is a woman. Barack Obama has people's support -- of all colors-- because he is the best person for the job.

  11. Nope...but i do not think it helps Mccain that his party is so prejudice and ignorant when it comes to accepting blacks.  

    I am white and i can clearly see a lot of right winged black hating Christians on here and in my church.  

    These same haters are biased towards me because i am voting for a black man.  They even stated so.  They are really ignorant and i have decided to quit going to that church as a result.  

    I stand by Obama because something tells me that he is good and Mccain is evil.

  12. I think quite a few are.  Are they any different that white people who will not vote for him because he is black, or women who will switch to McCain because he has selected a female for his running mate?

    There are many blacks who thought they would never see anyone get as close to the presidency as Obama.  Why would they not want that for their children and grandchildren, the idea that they too, can get somewhere in this country?

  13. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are both black and ran for president and you don't see neither one of them in the white house.  Stop thinking black people are voting for Obama because he's black.  That's like saying all women were voting for Hillary and all old white men are voting for McCain. Stereotypes are stupid. I know a few (unfortunate souls) who are black that are voting for McCain including my dad. Stop with the madness.

  14. The black community has always voted for the Democratic party because that party have benefited middle class which many black people are in the that class. Obama brings change and plus to have a black man becoming president many people in my family could have never dream of this moment. Martin Luther King Jr.'s I Have Dream is truly coming through to me.

  15. Senator Barack Obama has charisma and intellectual appeal with which Mainstream America identifies.  Mainstream America and African Americans share the economic and social concerns that Senator Obama endeavors to advance on the political agenda.

    Reverend Al Sharpton and Reverend Jeremiah Wright Jr. are stark reminders of issues that make Mainstream America and of course racists uncomfortable.  110 Years of Jim Crow doesn't disappear and vanish overnight.  

    The messages of Reverend Al Sharpton, Reverend Jeremiah Jr., and Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. are more palatable when presented by Senator Barack Obama.

    African Americans will vote for Senator Obama because they have an opportunity to endorse a candidate who does not represent closet racisim and the "Status Quo"

  16. Of course not they're voting for him because of his vast foreign policy credentials and his economic views on the capital gains tax

  17. There are two reasons why black people are voting for Obama. First, he is a democrat second, he is black. If anyone doubts this look at how blacks voted for Obama over Hillary in the primaries. Before Obama came on the scene, the Clinton's were black people's favorite political team.

  18. YA THINK?!  lol  Yes, I do and yes, most of them are.  I've heard it on here from many of them and statistics prove just that.  Never before has the overwhelming number of black people voted for a democrat at one time.  This coincidence is just too much to believe accidental.  I don't think an actual count has been tallied nor can an honest one be conducted because most of his supporters, whatever race they are, are not honest about why they are voting for him.  It's kinda hard to say, "I'm voting for the first ever black President," without being labeled a racist. But he hasn't been clear on his policies and on those few he's mentioned, he's changed his stance on them.

  19. No, I don't believe all black people are voting for him because he's black just like I don't believe all white people are voting for McCain. However, some are, on both sides. That's just reality, but doesn't describe the majority. Most African-Americans were already Democrats. I've supported Obama from the beginning.

  20. I dont know what other people are doing I know Ive never been so sick of the way this countrys going in 48 yrs and I say purple red or blue He is the man that could walk the walk

  21. Traditionally, Blacks vote Democrat. Not nearly in the numbers they are choosing this election. There is clearly a racial component and most Blacks I know, (and I have MANY black friends) admit it. They identify with Barack, even if they disagree with his platform. The sad part this historical nominee has really not accomplished much during his time in Congress. Many are hysterically voting for the man because he is charismatc and Black, not because of his accomplishments that make America better. He has the most liberal voting record, misses votes, and votes "present" far too often. It's not about skin color, it's about issues, accomplishments, and character.

  22. Black people don't care what you think. They just vote who they like - it's their right.

    Good trying to denigrate black people, though. Unfortunately this is 21th century. Their vote just weights equal as yours.

  23. In many of the primaries, Obama got something like 92% of the black vote.  

    Getting 92% of any demographic is considered pretty much a statistical miracle.  

    I think that there are a segment of African American Obama supporters who want to support a viable black presidential candidate, regardless of where he stands on the issues.  Jesse Jackson, Alan Keyes and Al Sharpton were never viable candidates.  

    I think there are a segment of African American Obama supporters who do not factor race into the equation.

    I'm not sure what the breakdown of those segments actually are, but getting back to that 92%, I think more African American Obama supporters are basing their vote on race, than I had originally thought.

  24. They are voting for Obama because he is the best candidate.That's the same reason the rest of us are voting for him to.We all know this country cannot stand four more years of the last eight.

  25. No because if it was a black republican they would not be voting for him. I do think they are more enthusiastic about the election because fror the 1st time ever there is a possibility that an african american could be president.

  26. Yes, they will. The polls are showing this, so it's not debatable.

    And it's ironic because Lincoln was a Republican. Also, the Democrats fought tooth and nail AGAINST civil rights in the 1960s, if you check your history. Guess they aren't too interested in  history though.

  27. Considering we had "white" and "colored" fountains within living memory, I would guess that people of color are proud to have a candidate worth voting for.

    Check out the link. 1955, plus/minus five years.

  28. Black, White, Yellow, Red, Pink -- they are doing it because they are inspired for something better.

  29. Hate to inform you but it's mostly the educated college kids who are voting for him, the elderly and of course the black.  Do you think they are stupid??

  30. yo, do ya think.93% HMMMMMM I'D say yes.MLK was a Republican. So was Lincoln. Mr, KKK Sen. Robert Byrd Dem WAS the Grand Wisard of te W. Virginia KKK. and well maybe h Dem's know something about black voters that no one else does.

  31. Some will because he's Black, some will because he is the Democratic nominee.

    Before 1968 the Democratic party did everything they could to keep the (brotha's) down. George Wallace was an old-school Democrat, so was Senator Byrd of WV, a former Grand Dragon of the KKK. Anyone who thinks that Black folks have always voted Democratic should study American history.

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