
Do you think black poeple are more racist than white poeple?

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is black poeple keeping racism alive by their behavior with white poeple, as they consider all whites racist and make gates between them and other communities...




  1. Most of them always pull out the race card but yet the whites are becomming the minority.

    You call me racist......

    You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction.

    You call me "Cracker", "h****y", "Whitey" and even "The Man" and you

    think it's OK.

    But when I call you, "******", "k**e", "Towelhead", "Sand-

    ******", "Camel Jockey", "Beaner" or "c***k" you call me a racist.

    You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are

    the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?

    You say that you want to make a change in this country.

    How? By protesting everything that we believe in? By trying to

    change everything that has made this country run fine for centuries?

    You have Martin Luther King Day.

    You have Cesar Chavez Day.

    You have Yom Hashoah

    You have Cinco de Mayo

    You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi

    If we had a White Pride Day you would call us racists.

    In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for

    your race and rights.

    If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us racists.

    You enjoy the thought of Driver's Licenses for illegals.

    We enjoy the thought of people obeying the laws of the land in which

    they reside. No negotiations.

    You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not

    afraid to announce it.

    But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.

    You call each other "******", but when we call you that, you call us


    You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us.

    But, when a white police officer shoots a gang member or beats up a

    drug-dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society, you

    call him a racist.

    We work hard to preserve our history.

    You come along and try to re-write it.

    We want a safe environment for our families and children.

    You want to bring the ghetto to our neighborhoods.

    I am white.

    I am proud.

    I am an American.

    But, you call me a racist



  2. lol jibjom nice answer

    well, they kinda are rasist, like they think its fine to say all this stuff about white people, like i know they were slaves and sh*t but seriously, almost everycountry has been colonized by someone, so basically everyones been a slave. alot of them need to grow up and realise that they arent slaves no more, so they dont need to bring it up.  

  3. I'm not shore. But i do no, white people are not allowed to be racist to black people. But i guess it is okay for black people not to like white people right??. Why cant every one just like everyone no madder what color they are. :] ~ Ariel ~  

  4. No. I'm biracial and I've seen both sides of the story and its about even. My school is mostly white and kids there make openly racist comments in class and get away with it. How many times have you heard white people tell black jokes, mexican jokes, Middle eastern jokes?

    For black people its depends on the area but there isn't as much racism as you might think. To put it in perspective 85% of African Americans disagreed with Rev. Wrights comments.  

  5. i can't say. I've never lived in a white neighborhood or went to a predominately white school so I can't say. I've met a few white people(not that much) who were cool, but I can't really say who is more racist because like I said I haven't spent enough time around them.

    But i will say that racism has got to go between the blacks & whites. Time for both sides to forgive, forget and try to move forward with their lives.  

  6. From my experience Black people are more racist  

  7. no

    whites started racism with slavery..not only with black ppl,but also with native north/south americans

    when ppl are oppressed for 400years,they will NOT get over it in 100!!!

    and the racist mentality will still be taught,its still VERY alive in the white community..and honestly,i do believe tht most white ppl are racist (weather you will admit it or not,you know tht you are,and you know what you say privately and openly,and what you think)

    so..400 years of black ppl being oppressed and 400 years of white ppl believing they are better...

    id say black ppl have the right to be "racist" (reverse racism does not exist when it comes to white and black ppl) because white ppl started it..but now,you guys are pissed,..but ya know what ^.^

    youuuu guys are the ones who fuQd up ^.^

  8. i must repeat myself...this is not just a black and white world that we live in,nor are racial issues geared just toward black and white people.i can not leave my home and go shopping without being asked "are you a real ndn?"or why did you tattoo your face",instead of getting the respect any human is due,i am often treated like a relic or even worse.

  9. Well I am black and I'm not racist I love all races I only have a problem with those who have a problem with me

  10. Is an iceberg wetter than the ocean?

  11. Ah who cares what they think?

  12. Yes.

  13. I think 50/50

    some Black people racist towards whites

    and some white people racist towards blacks.

  14. yes they are very racist and violent, thats why i try to avoid them

  15. NO

    Asians are the most...

    they're just fooling everyone

  16. Well duh. You live in a country with a history of hatred toward the black race....through segregation and slavery. This was bound to happen, hun. Of course, a good percentage of people are more open-minded today...but, there is still a gap between black and white. We all just can't come together and just love one another in the real world. This is life. This is a result of what has happened in the past. No one should be surprised. I am not racist...nor will I teach my child/children to be...and so many parents today are not going to teach their children hate. We are a result of what is taught to us. Each generation will get better, & will become more multi-cultured.

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