
Do you think bookmakers ban successfull punters?

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I know the odds favour the bookies and that sucessfull gamblers are rare, but if someone were to consistently return a good profit in a bookie's month after month, do you think the proprietor would tell him or her that their business was no longer wanted?




  1. I think I read that they can as technically it is a private premises and they can refuse you admission.

  2. yes they do,

    and not always outright they limit the amount or sports you do.

    the bookmaker always wins, its not a charity

    even online i found that i was successful with one firm and then suddenly my cards dont work with it, but they work everywhere else and i have contacted them and they cant find a problem, but i quess i have been blacklisted also the bets you win on the max limit just goes down and down.

  3. not at all...he'd use you to attract other punters expecting them to imitate you and lose

  4. I wouldn't have thought the punter would care - always a rival firm, or even online on betfair

  5. if you are too successful they will close your account but this is a very rare occurence. the odds are stacked in the bookies favour.

  6. In theory yes, but really they limit your stake to avoid losses and can rebet your wager elsewhere, so they have options

    For example I wanted £500 on a Football result once, advertised at 2/1. They offered me £100 at 2/1 another £100 at 6/4 and so on, so as to reduce the bet liability, and I wasn't even a "face"

  7. Not sure.  Ask Jeff Feagles.  He is the punter best known for pinning an opponent inside the 20.

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