
Do you think both Prince Harry and William believe their mothers death was accidental?

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Do you think both Prince Harry and William believe their mothers death was accidental?




  1. We can only guess at what they know. However they seem to get along alright with their father and his wife, so I think they know enough to believe it was an accident that killed their mother

  2. Who knows?  Why don't we call them up and ask them?

  3. Prince William and Prince Harry only believe what they are told...I think that deep down in their hearts they know it was NOT an accident.

    -SS (-:Smiling Heart-:)

  4. yes absolutley. let's be honest here, they've been borght up to love and respect the royal family, just becoause dodi's father is spouting off about a conspiricy, does not mean they'd question their father..

  5. As anyone,except their close friends and family,we can only guess.However they may still not know what they think.In an interview last year to discuss the 10th anniversary of her death and the concert for her they were putting together,they were asked"Do you still wonder what exsactly happened that night that your mother was killed?" While William nodded yes,Prince Harry said"I'll never stop wondering what happened that night." So they still wonder about anyone would and some still do.

  6. Obviously any of us can only guess.  But my guess is that they do believe it was a horrible accident (and if they blame someone to some extent it is the media, the vultures of papparazzi) I don't believe they would both of them keep quiet about it if they suspected their mother were deliberately murdered - - no matter WHO murdered her. Even if Wills didn't talk, I bet Harry would!  

    They would know she told them nothing about any pregnancy or plans to marry  Dodi Al Fayad. (Which they have repeatedly stated.) They probably realized it was not a very serious relationship.(What was it she said to her sis about the idea of marriage to Dodi? "I need that like I need a rash on my face.") So the motive Mohamed Al-F claims would not sound reasonable to them.  

    William and Harry probably see that, assuming the resources of MI6 and an intention to murder,  surely there would be a way that did not depend so much on chance and carry so much risk.- - a car wreck in the middle of a busy city- -with not only the usual Paris traffic, but a score of photographers some chasing the vehicle, some showing up within seconds/minutes. You either have to get the driver to commit suicide (bit difficult to do, and more so since it's not even the regular driver so how do you know he's going to drive?)  OR, if the driver is not in the plot,  then the route was not known and you have to have more people involved on different routes and somehow get the guy to speed and crash in a way that will cause fatal injuries. (Oh, yes, you somehow also have to get Diana not to wear a seatbelt?)  

    I certainlly HOPE they don't think their mother was murdered by  order of  their own grandfather or father  - -Can you imagine how devastating that would be?

    But I don't think they believe that. William and Harry are probably more sensible than a lot of people who are obsessed with their mother.

  7. We are NOT mind readers.

  8. prob

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