
Do you think boycott gas for three days would bring the price of gas down?

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I will like to get people to boycott gas for three days the idea would be is people would fill up before the start date of the boycott and see how it is shown on the market during the three days can you give some ideas how to start this up




  1. No it would have the reverse affect. Get it through your head gas is not going to go down in price.What are you going to do when our gas costs the same as it does in other parts of the world? Ours is still very cheap compared Europe.

  2. Speculative investing based on a belief that there will be a shortage and therefore higher prices is the biggest reason for higher prices.  The continued belief that the prices will rise makes it happen.  If demand dropped for a sustained period of time, the idea of a shortage wouldn't be so prevalent and the price of oil would likely drop.  That said...A boycott would have no impact.

  3. The only way gas is going to go down, is if people stop buying it.......and you aint gonna get spoiled americans to do that...pretty soon it will look like Mad Max

  4. No.

    All WALK 2 days a week can bring down demand side about 20%.  Off-duty driving is immoral for speeding up global warming.

  5. NO! It is a myth, don't believe all the e-mails you recieve.

  6. no! those people would just go buy gas on the 4th day and then demand would skyrocket. that would make it worse

  7. not at all. The price of gasoline will start dropping when there is less need for it.

  8. drill drill drill drill!!!!!!     Look, first off there is no short term solution to this problem (get used to it for a while)! second, we need to start using more NON OIL based forms of energy ( solar wind water nuclear ect.)! we also need to give up this ethanol idea ( all it does it raise food cost)! we need to build new refineries and drill off our coast, in alaska, CO. UT, WY, all these states that are sitting on BILLIONS of barrels of oil. then we need to stop buying oil all together from the OPEC nations. I personally believe that just the congress passing legislation and the president signing it stating that we are gonna start drilling and building refineries would drop the cost per barrel down to market price ( somewhere around 70 bucks)      remember the oil companys arent evil, 75% of the cost of fuel is just crude oil prices.   the PROFIT MARGIN on 1 gallon of gas is the same today as it was 10 years ago ( somewhere around 4 to 5% then the taxes, cost of refining and the little bit your local gas station gets!  look it up, no need to take my word or anyone elses as gold.

  9. No one is willing to sacrifice to stop diving for 3 days or more, plus 3 days to the oil companies ain't $hit to them, its just a pinch to them. If you really want to hurt them, boycott gas for 1 month or more and then they will really feel it. But no one is going to do nothing because there to scared or too lazy to do any thing about it because the average American mentally, is I hope that gas prices come down or I don't have time for this, to busy. But my point is, that I tell people, why don't you fight back or enough is enough we got to do something about this.

  10. It will never happen in this country.

  11. A useless gesture. Other countries are clamoring for more oil and willing to pay the higher price.

    I love all of the calls for drilling off the US coasts and the Alaska wilderness. Who will be doing the drilling and refining? The same companies charging us right now. When the Alaskan pipeline first started up, the petroleum was sold and shipped to Japan instead of the lower 48. So much for domestic supplies.

  12. NO...this happened a while back but they were only 1 day things each time. by the time its over gas has usually jumped another couple cents and well everyone still fuels up.  also how do you expect to get EVERYONE in the united states to stop buying gas. they would buy it before the boycott.  the only thing that would change is that everyone would buy gas before the 3 days or after, instead of on those 3 days

  13. Oh, so people "fill up before the start date".  How do you think THAT is going to effect the price?

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