
Do you think breastfeeding should be a separate category?

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I 've been going to another parenting forum lately, and breastfeeding is a different category. The women that answer questions there, are all experienced breastfeeders. There are no silly answers from people that don't really know enough. It seems women get a lot more help that way, because they don't get wrong advice.

Do you think y/a should make a separate category for breastfeeding?




  1. Graham's mommy   LMAO!!!! You just made my day!

  2. Yes maybe.

    Maybe Yahoo should monitor the questions being asked and create new ones when they notice patterns.

  3. No, I don't think so.

    Nothing would stop the "silly" nonbreastfeeders (I breastfed for 3 weeks and I know a little!) from giving their help however they can and then you'd have people asking for a formula feeding category and then both sides will start attacking each other and it will get ugly fast.


    It's fine how it is, IMHO.

  4. Yes.Of course I agree with you all the way.

  5. No, we should not be alienated because we breastfeed. If you have a breastfeeding section then a formula feeding section is needed also.

    I like us all together, it's not like we are different species or anything.

  6. Wouldn't hurt anything to have a separate category for it. I think I'd like it if there was.  

  7. having it as a separate category wouldn't change anything because people will still leave inadequate information. it's yahoo answers and lots of people like to answer questions whether they know the answer or not.

  8. I think that might be helpful since there are so many questions about it. It's actually quite a broad category.

    While they're at it, they should make an "Am I pregnate????" category.

  9. I do. for a couple of reasons.

    for one the negative "ladies" will not be tempted to put their "two cents in" like that sometimes happens here.

    i respect everyone's desire to feed their child how they wish whether that is FF or BF. but i don't appreciate people that come up on here and just unleash a tirade of hate...whether they are FFers or BFers. i've seen mud slung on both sides.

    sad that we can't all act like grown ups on here, and that separating FF and BF into two different categories (much like a toddler's time out) seems the only way to stop a lot of the negativity here.

  10. No I think under newborn and baby is where it should go.. makes sense to me.

  11. I think Yahoo Answers is what it is. There will STILL be stupid answers, even with a seperate category, I'm afraid!

  12. Sounds good to me. I'm having twins and when I looked up questions others had asked about breastfeeding twins, I was appalled at some of the answers. People were saying stupid things like, "duh, you have 2 b*****s", when they obviously don't know how hard breastfeeding can be. I didn't find what I needed and I hesitated to ask because of how rude people can be about it.

  13. YES!

  14. No, I think that would attract trolls.

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