
Do you think breatfeeding should be done in public??

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Im curious. Tell me your thoughts!




  1. yes, the kid got to eat too, you know!  

  2. I don't think anything of it.I have seen it too many times for it to be anything other than a natural thing to do.

    There are some very weird people out there..."h***s yea,let em hang out for all to see".How moronic.

  3. If it can be avoided, no, do it at home. Obviously, we can't always be home when the baby is ready to eat though! I say if the baby gets hungry, Mom should feed him/her. Everyone I've seen breastfeeding in public lays a light blanket over the baby while eating to avoid too much being seen. There are perverted and immature people out there that laugh or stare to see if they can see anything though. I've never been uncomfortable with it, but I'm a Mom!

  4. When a baby is hungry, it's HUNGRY.

    I have no problems with public breastfeeding.  Put a blanket over the breast and baby and nobody need even give it a second thought.

  5. i think a restroom would be best.  it could make people uncomfortable and feel you have to look away.  unless there is no choice, i think its best to be considerate to everyone around.  maybe not everyone is uncomfortable, but there are enough that do feel awkward.  

  6. mm, yes and no, long as there is a rag covering or something, i need milk please

  7. breatfeading?

  8. go to the bathroom to do it

  9. Obviously it should be. A baby needs to eat very often. Whats the mother of a young baby to do? Not leave the house for the first 8 months or so? I don't understand how it can possibly make someone uncomfortable.

    *To the poster who said go to the bathroom, how would you like to eat in a public washroom? Doesn't sound to sanitary nor appetizing to me.  

  10. of course, a baby needs to eat more then an adult does.

    I nursed my son for over a year and never made a big show of it, there is always somewhere private to go to.

    If it bothers anyone, it's their problem, they have a sick a** mind. What could be more natural then a mother feeding her baby, really people are just too weird.

  11. I think it should be done in private, or at least go into a washroom or your car and do it. Most public places provide family washrooms or at least some sort of set up in the regular washrooms that can accommodate these needs. I don't understand why women feel the need to whip their b***s out right there on the spot if they feel their baby is hungry, there is always something you can do to find a more or less private way to do this. People can give me a thumbs down if you like, I just personally feel offended when I see a woman sitting out in the open with her breast hanging out and doesn't even have a blanket to cover it or anything.

  12. If I were you, I wouldn't walk out into times square or anything ans breasfeed, but doing it in less crowded places, like on an airplane for example, would be just fine.

  13. h***s yeah.  Let 'em hang out for all to see

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