
Do you think briteney spears younger sister will make a good mom?

by  |  earlier

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i personally think so, and hope she wont make same mistakes as britney with her own daughter Maddie




  1. I have the feeling she will be much better than her sister.

  2. I think that family is beyond disfunctional. Their mother failed to raise them properly, Brit failed to raise her sons and the same will probably happen with Jamie. I feel sorry for kids born into that family. There's no hope there.

    It takes more than money to raise a child.

  3. i don't think so

  4. I don't know her personally so I can't comment on her parenting skills, but people who are quick to assume she will be a bad mother because she is so young are just ignorant.

  5. she already made the mistakes.... hope she STOPS them!!!

    Geez i wouldnt get prego so young!!,


  6. I know she messed up but she is dealing with it and i think that is good. I think she will be a great mother.

    Teen mom doesn't always mean they are going to be a terrible mom.

  7. i think so too . i hope she will learn from her sisters mistakes

  8. Shes already started with the mistakes. The first on was getting pregnant so young.

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