
Do you think bugs close their eyes before they hit your windshield?

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Do you think bugs close their eyes before they hit your windshield?




  1. They most certainly do not have eyelids to close their eyes, so they just splat.

    On a side note, if you know there are a lot of bugs to splat at a high rate of speed, do NOT stick your hand out your moonroof, as they will sting a bit when they explode on your fingers, as well as being messy.

  2. like the old joke what's the last thing a fly sees before hitting a car windsheild traveling 70 miles per  hour . His a$$Hole.

  3. I've never heard of an insect having eye lids so, and unfortunately (for them), it's probably a case of instant retina/cornea smack. =(  But, at least they go quick and don't have to meander and wander about blind and dazed.

  4. They probably don't have eyelids...

  5. like other posts...they can't close their eyes

  6. They can't because they have no eyelids. All they do is think about how messy the windshield is going to get.

  7. Absolutely.

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