
Do you think bush cheated to win enough votes last time??

by  |  earlier

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i´m just wanna know what people think about it.




  1. No. I saw the lines of idiots queuing to vote for him on TV.

  2. yes

  3. Definetly.I mean,when you think about it,how the h**l did Bush win the election with all the hatred that people have for him?hmmm just curious.

    this should rovide answers:

  4. Totally.  It is no mistake that"Republicans" turned out in record numbers and he happened to win in the exact state he needed to make it count< just like the first  election that he magically won while his brother just happened to be governor,a recount was done, and people were not permitted to vote.  If McPain wins we will know it was fixed

  5. h**l, yeah that guy lies, cheat, steal and bully us like we're dumb idiots.

    Well him and his boss in jerusalem are punch of no good s.o.b  if you ask me

  6. Yes!

    He cheated the first election as well

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