
Do you think cain choosing palin will help him get some of hilary's supporters?

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is there anybody that's changed their mind cuz of that?




  1. No, Sarah Palin and Hillary clinton are completely opposite on every issue.

    and Palin is unqualified...

  2. PUMAs?  Maybe.  But they weren't voting Obama anyway.

  3. Talked to 7 who are now voting McCain...

  4. No they are opposites on issues i think mcain knos he cant win against obama by juss attackin him so he has to go and try to take hilarys supporters its a pure insult towrds the democrats

  5. She is anti abortion in every single case....and has a decent shot of becoming President....I don't think most sane women want a President who would ban abortion in rape, incest cases...even cases where the mother's life is at risk.

  6. No. Majority Hillary supporters are pro choice & won't tolerate Palin's stand on the issue;-p

  7. seems like foolishness... any fools out there?

  8. Yes he will gain some Hillary supporters. Afterall, the democrat party failed the female voting block.

    Currently, I am leaning towards McCain because of Palin. 24 hours ago I was dead set on voting 3rd party choice. As in Bob Barr or Alan Keyes or Chuck Baldwin. This afternoon, I was singing a different tune.

  9. I read comments from many of them on the web today and almost all have said yes.

  10. Yes.  Clinton's support came from Feminists - not females. There are some extremely clever Feminists and a host ignorant ones whose entire ideology can be summed up by  "Two titz good, two ballz bad." These may well drift off to McCain. Who cares? Their vote is as valid as anyone else's.

  11. The  word is cause not cuz.

  12. we are all supporting McCain

    so are the christians, jewish community,evangalistics,white collar workers,and undecided have now went to McCain

    who does that leave for obama? the black vote 12% of americans

  13. No, it will awaken the sleeping giants, so to speak and it will snowball McCain........Obama/ Biden '08

  14. An attempt to lure Clinton supporters to a small degree perhaps, but she is a social conservative- staunch pro-lifer, supports teaching creationism in public schools and has called Hillary a whiner in a previous interview so I doubt if she will pull any significant amount of Clinton supporters. The pick seems to be more about bringing social conservatives back into the fold

    Btw....They interviewed Clinton supporters on CNN today. 5 out of 6 said that the pick of Palin will not sway them as she does not represent their views. One called the pick patronizing and an other called it demeaning.

  15. he will be going toward his conservative base with this choice and so it was a smart one, also the woman has a record of fighting corruption in her home state perhaps that is what the democrats fear someone that can fight that  

  16. NO - Palin is NOT Hillary. It's an insult to those true Hillary supporters!

  17. No.

  18. Probably just the drunk ones. ;< )

  19. No Palin is collecting her own supporters, she will have people who like and her views just like Hillary did.  

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