
Do you think calling a polygamist "Brain Washed" is a cowardly pat answer to not wanting to undtstand them?

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I mean seriously, look at the world today. Check your movie listing for Theaters. s*x in the City? Strip clubs, p**n stores. We are just as "BRAINWASHED" for accepting this c**p as they are for accepting polygamy.




  1. you are right, They don't have any divorces, no crime, no homosex are disease from same.

  2. Nice Q. Always good to empathise rather than to be too quick to judge.  

    Tho' i do not understand the the polygamists, neither do i the strip & p**n culture that are rampant today.

    Since i don't understand them, i won't judge them. Each to his own, methinks, as long as no one gets hurt.

  3. Yes and yes.  Using that same cowardly "pat" answer, one could say homosexuals, evangelicals, liberals, conservatives, socialists, capitalists, gun and Bible totn' rednecks (a la Obama) are brainwashed as well.  Wait - we do say that - at least on Yahoo! Answers.  Hmmmmm.

  4. Our society tends to reject what they don't understand.  Polygamy is nothing new, especially to Christians.  Read the Bible.  Most of the Prophets were polygamist.  Solomon, Abraham, David.....No where in the Bible is this practice banned. Polygamy is also practiced in Islam with conditions.  I don't see how it is worst than a man having 3 chicks on the side.  I am not saying that polygamy is a great thing, but I am saying that people are making a big deal over it when we have worst things in our society to worry about.

  5. No. Brain washing is a very effective technique for controlling people, and the men in this cult use it to control their women's very lives, including the colours they can wear, the clothes they wear, how they keep their hair, who they marry, where they live, and every other aspect of their lives is controlled. If they deviate from accepted norms they risk losing their housing, husbands, and children.

    Polygamy between consenting adults is fine, teenage girls being forced into arranged polygamous marriages with middle aged men is not fine.

    If anything the media and the authorities are being way too easy on these people.

    You can walk away from any of the c**p in our society, you have choices, the women in these compounds can't and don't.*x/86130/

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