
Do you think cats can recognize, or even understand, certain words they hear alot?

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My cat Willow got me thinking today.

My pet and I are extremely close. When I pick her up, she purrs and nuzzles my face to death - she doesn't do it as much with the other members of the family, although she adores them too and shows it.

I picked her up today for a cuddle, and my Mum came in the room. She said that it's really cute how close I am to Willow, and then said to the cat in my arms 'Danielle loves you!'

As soon as she said it, Willow started meowing frantically and nuzzling me harder than ever, purring like a motor car.

Do you think that cats can understand words they hear alot? For instance, in this case, do you think that my cat recognized what her owner (me) was called, and the word 'love'? I do say the word alot to her when I'm petting her and giving her a cuddle. I wondered if she recognized the sound of the word 'love' as something 'good' and 'affectionate', and that when it was used with the sound of my name, she got happy with me and excited.

Or could it just be the sound of my mothers affectionate voice in that instance that got my cat happy and affectionate with me? I know cats pay alot of attention to tones of voices, and my mother did use a very nice, soft voice when talking to my cat and 'telling' her that I love her.

What do you think about this? Did my cat understand 'Danielle loves you' on some level, or did my cat just enjoy the affectionate tone of my mothers voice being directed towards her?




  1. I think they can recognize certain words.  For instance, my cat Rocky always comes running if he hears the word "treat."

  2. I think they can understand what you say. But they also understand tone of voice. For example when someone is crying, they understand and generally come to keep that person company.

    And I know what you mean about that bond. When we went to pick a cat, my cat picked me. I've had him since he was 1 month old and he is my baby!

  3. There are words they definitely understand.  I've tested this theory.  I'm not going to explain why but my cats recognize the word "mama" as meaning they're going to get a dry food treat.

    I have substituted different words for mama in the same tone and with the same gestures I would normally use.  They do respond to my movement (toward the kitchen).  But they are hesitant.  They keep watching me to see if they heard what they think they did.

    But when I use the word mama in a different tone and without the movement, their ears still perk up and their eyes are fastened on me.

    When I use mama normally, they run ahead of me to the kitchen.

    In your case it's hard to say.  You'd almost need to conduct an experiment like I did.  It seems quite likely that your kitty recognized at least some of the words your mother used, although responding to the tone is certainly a factor too.

    I'd play around with it and see what results you get.

  4. I think they definately recognize words. My cats know treat, food and many other words. They do not respond to all words.

  5. Allie arches her back and gets ready for a petting when she hears me say "She's beautiful".  

  6. While I do know that cats CAN in fact understand certain words, they understand emotions and can see the pictures sent out from you.  Not many humans can receive this type of communication, but cats and dogs can.  They can sense all your emotions.  It may or may not have been the words, but it was certainly what the words meant.  She knew what your mom was saying.  Probably did understand it because you and she projected that to your sweet Willow.  When I see my Ferra, my lovebug,  and she's standing there looking at my laying on the couch,  I will say "lovebug" and she'll come up and nudge and nuzzle and purr.  She probably associates the word with the emotion I am projecting, thus understanding it.  My three also understand, Water, dinner and NO among others.  Although they don't care about NO usually.  They know what it means and will usually stop doing it.  I had a cat that just had her ear removed due to skin cancer from the sun.  The vet said, don't let her out during the day.  She used to sleep in the sun on the roof!.  So she'd meow to go out.  I told her many times one day "No, you may not go outside".  But she really wanted to go. Kept meowing.  Then I told her" NO!  Go find something else to do!"  She stood up, turned around and walked down the hallway.  When we speak, we project meaning and emotion and that's what they understand.  They can relate it to words.  Absolutely.  It's great when they understand that LOVE means you get pet and rubbed and nudged and nuzzled and it makes them purrr.  

  7. yes IMO I definitely think so. Cats are very intelligent!!!

  8. I think its mostly the tone of the voice ...animals  respond to an affectionate tone.  But I also believe they can recognize one or two words.  My cat is so well loved that when I call him he comes.  He knows he's going to get picked up and petted.

  9. I think cats can hear and understand words. My cats understand when we say come here, the come. And when we say go lay down, they go lay down. If they don't have any tuna (the get it daily), my mother tells them no tuna until tomorrow and they'll leave her alone until she gets home from work the next day. When I say I love you to my cat he purrs too, I truely think they understand what we say. Also, when I say "what's the matter baby" my cat meows. Or if I ask him a question he meows. So I think they CAN understand us.

  10. Of course they can.  But they are dark mysterious creatures like women and like women they just ignore u unless u can b of service 2 them.

  11. I think so. My cat goes and gets her toy so we can play with her when we say "fetch". Cats are very intelligent...probably as intelligent as dogs.

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