
Do you think cell phones should be allowed to be in use by drivers?

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Do you think cell phones should be allowed to be in use by drivers?




  1. Since people who use them while driving have their heads where the sun doesn't shine, Yes, it's OK.

    For the rest of us, if you see someone using a cell phone while driving --

    1.  Get make model, and color of vehicle.

    2.  Get registration plate number [common -- license plate]

    3.  Pull over and report a reckless driver.

    In Illinois, they're asking you to report reckless drivers like that.

  2. NO!! I don't even think they should be allowed to use those handsfree things. It distracts the driver and nothing is more frustrating than being behind some IDIOT who pays more attention to their conversation than to the fact that THE LIGHT IS GREEN!!!! GO!!!!

  3. No, I don't. Even if you have it hands free you are still distracted, due to your conversation, some people get very involved and upset while talking on the phone, I believe a passenger can use one, but I consider it rude when the passenger of a vehicle is on the cell phone all the time.

  4. No, not while they're driving.  I will make exceptions for emergency situations where the driver clearly needs to use their phone but they must pull over in a safe area to use their phone.

  5. No, because I see too many drivers using them and not paying attention to the road.

  6. Under no circumstances should a cell phone be allowed to be in use by the driver of any vehicle unless a hands-free device is also in use.

  7. No, i do not think that cell phone should be allowed because there are to many young first time driver who are inexperienced behind the wheel and why should we let them or anyone get more distracted and more likely to crash and another thing isn't it against the law to talk on the cell phone when your driving unless you have that loud speaker device.

  8. No no and no, Should get $500 fine if the cops catch you

  9. No, they cause too many distractions

  10. if they are holding it no.

    This dumb *** ***** took like 1 and a half lanes turning because she was on her phone and didn't have both hands to turn.

  11. Only and maybe if they have a hands free device

  12. I see no problem with talking on the phone with hands free devices.  My gf talks on the phone constantly.  I bought her a blue-tooth device and don't see any difference in her talking on the phone and talking to a passenger.  She can even dial with voice.  Matter of fact I think it's safer on the phone than with someone riding with you.  When talking to someone in the vehicle you tend to want to look at them and not the road.  I have seen tons of women wonder off the road while looking in the rear view mirror  screaming at her kids.  However I have tried to text before while driving and think that's a stupid thing to try to do.  also dialing a phone is dangerous as well.

  13. Only if they is using the bluetooth.

  14. do we need to answere this question every day

  15. no it affects your driving and its always annoying to see some one on the phone that isn't paying attention to the road

  16. NO NO NO !!!!!!!!!! Since when do we have to on the phone ALL the TIME anyway???????

  17. no, my husband was hit by a driver using a cell phone in a semi truck while was sitting at a red light, he now a brain damage, his neck has been shifted 1/4 inc to the left, he has 4 disc producer. in his lower back 3 in his neck.  i was on my motorcycle at a red light, heard breaks lock up, looked back at a bumper 1 nc from my rear and a shock look of a teen -on a cell phone.  get off the phone people.  sorry i sounded off.

  18. No it's really distracting.

  19. yes,yes and yes.......when does it stop with the government telling us what we can do in my car,if we stop cell phones then we need to stop eating,smoking,reading maps,putting make-up on,and even talking.......these things are just as distracting as a cell phone,plus we should take radios out as well.why do people think that its just cell phones that are distracting....wake up people are whats wrong with this country.

  20. Only when used "hands free" otherwise no. When dialing drivers should have to pull over.

  21. No, except in an emergency.  If in an accident and you were on the cell phone, fines should double if you were at fault.

  22. No for the 100 trillion time, but only for emergencies while stopped.

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