
Do you think cell phones should be banned while driving?

by  |  earlier

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Banned alltogether, except in emergencies, not even headsets allowed?




  1. 911 CALLS ONLY!!

  2. banned all together. if you want to use it pull off the road

  3. I think they should be banned while driving because my job consist of a lot of driving and you would not believe some of the things I see drivers do while they are on the cell phone. Just the other day there was lady stopped at a red light in front of me, as soon as she was done on the phone she closed the cover and drove off, never realizing the light was still red. I guess in her mind when she hung up the phone, it meant is was time to go to the next thing on her list. By luck there were no cars coming since the cross traffic at the red light that she ran has a speed limit of 45 miles and hour, so most people are doing at least 55. That is just one instance, not to mention the millions of times I sit behind a car at a green light watching the person in the car in front of me just sitting there talking on the cell phone. In my opinion, a very large majority of the people talking on a cell phone while driving are just a danger to society as drunk drivers are!

  4. Banned on the road...I think if you need to talk to someone, you pull over in a parking lot, or wait until you get to your destination. Unless you are in an emergency, don't call while driving.

  5. Banned while driving! Pull off the road to use. If caught driving with phone in ear GET TICKET big time, like $200-$500 fine even with head sets on.

  6. It would be nice if people would just have common sense. But having such a law in place would be difficult to enforce. If you say you can't talk on your cell, shouldn't you also look at other things that distract a driver such as eating while driving, putting on make-up, having children in the car, changing clothes, I've even seen shaving.  All of these things distract a driver as much as, if not more than, a cell phone.  So if there were to be a law, one might argue there should also be a law for all of these things.  I feel there shouldn't be a law, people should just be smart about things.

  7. i dont think they should be banned cause if you have a emergency ur not going to be alowed to use it but uf your just fooling around then they should be banned

  8. YES

  9. Banned as you suggest. Cell phones are probably one of the biggest hazards on the road today.

  10. You betcha!  Even the headset ones cause distractions.  

    I  think it's great to have them with you, in case of emergencies.  But, if you need to use them, pull off the road.

  11. Yes...........Banned all-together.

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