
Do you think certain teams dont deserve to be champions?

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The Chicago Cubs, San Francisco Giants, Cleveland Indians, Houston Astros, San Diego Padres, Texas Rangers, Seattle Mariners, Colorado Rockies, Washington Nationals and Tampa Bay Rays. Not one of these franchises have won a championship for a considerable amount of time and probably never will. Why havent these teams won anything for so long? Is it either because of their curses, bad management, lack of money or maybe they just dont simply deserve it.

Look at the Cubs, no matter how many talented players they assemble they can not win the World Series. Do you think they don't deserve to win because they haven't done so for so long?




  1. no!! every team deserves to win

    players, managers, coaches, etc etc work their butts off everyday... if they don't make it then they don't make it..

    i think small market teams can be successful, maybe they don't have enough money (usually the case) or bad scouts or  maybe they just can't seem to go that extra mile but that certainly doesn't mean they don't deserve it.

  2. poor scouts, management decisions.The Marlins have won world series with not much money.

  3. ah cubbies the billy goat curse some guy always brought his goat into the stadium and he believed it was good luck for the cubs one day the security guards wouldnt let the guy bring the goat in ever since the cubs havent won a world series...Rockies Rays and Nationals are too new to win championships its rare for such a new team to win...last team was the d backs...Padres and indians have gotten close before but they have a rather young team and the young platyers might crack under pressure...rangers are young too...giants and mariners i dont know whats going on in their managment they might have some young prospects in their AA or AAA but im not sure whats wrong with them...lack of team chemistry i guess...

  4. No I think, Chicago over Tampa Bay.  World Series 6 games.  100-year anniversary from last Cubs World Series Win.

  5. lack of money

  6. i live in northeastohio and i am an indians fan, we get good players but have bad management and is cheap. we made it to the semi finals last year against the red socks and couldnt pull it through.

  7. depends i think the team that plays right and for the fun of the game and not the money they get payed should when an oh if the team has at least 3 ppl that have obviously taken steroids they shouldn't win either

  8. Red Sox

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