
Do you think certain types of headphones for iPods should be banned on tubes and buses?

by Guest45119  |  earlier

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Maybe you should have to get some that insulate the noise from escaping, instead of everyone else having to hear a cartton version of drum n bass! lol




  1. definitely.  It doesn't seem to matter what earplugs are used, the music is always loud enough to be heard over the noise of the engine. And if the wearer chooses to sit / stand next to me, it isn't long before i get an overwhelming compulsion to pull their ears off!!!

  2. only as long as they ban mobiles... i have to turn my ipod up to block out the t**t talking so loud into his/her phone, so everyone else can hear the conversation..........

  3. I drive a bus -- please find the eejut who invented Phones with MP3 players and speakerphones in-built and cut their ears off.

    I've got out of the cab on more than one occasion and told people who will insist on blearing their rubbish music out that i like quiet jazz when i'm driving, that Mrs. miggins over there likes classical and that baby in the push-chair likes teletubbies - we don't feel the need to share them with you, so plug in headphones, turn it down or TURN IT OFF!!

    It gets beyond a joke when i can hear their 'music' from behind 3mm thick plexiglass...

  4. I don't think its the type of headphones its how loud people listen to their music. When I use mine I don't turn them up that loud,1. because I don't want to annoy people as its quite rude and 2. because its bad for my ears! Just think of all those people that will get earphone related deafness!

  5. worse still are "funny" mobile phone ringtones, completely destroyed my enjoyment of peter kay

  6. I totaly agree.

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