
Do you think certain white Americans...?

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or any Americans, really, are just jealous of Obama's position and aptitude and refuse to vote for him simply because they'll never reach the heights he has?




  1. It's more like they're racist...

  2. I'm a northerner who moved down south 10yrs ago. These people are still fighting the civil war. I've never seen racism like this in my life, and that includes a tour of duty in the US Army.It's equally racist on both sides, black and white.

    So to answer your question, yes I think there is a great deal of jealousy on the part of poor southern whites, who feel left behind by rich white republicans, and now upscale black democrats.

  3. NO. I think all Americans that refuse to vote for him are doing so because they understand that he is an idiot who is showing more and more his unpatriotic UnAmerican qualities.  We would rather have a president of office that understands what this nation is supposed to be about.

  4. No, I dont think it's jealousy, very, very few Americans will ever be a state senator or run for president, but I do think that people will refuse to vote for him because he is half Black, and that goes for all ethnicities including Black people.  

  5. Jealous? No. A little creeped out by how liberal he is? Yes.

  6. I don't think that at all. I think people are sick of the constant lies and games played within the government. I think people are leary of him, he's talks a good talk, but they all are. I think to say Americans are jealous because they will never reach the heights he has is kinda silly.

  7. im sure thats some peoples reason. although i personally just dont like him i was pulling for ron paul.

  8. Maybe they're just republican, but then again the majority of them are racist.... but that's a good point.  

  9. We,ll there are alot of Whites that are not ready for a Black president and feel the country should be run by Whites, however, there is a very large amount of White voters that accept Blacks. People complain because 90% of Black voters are voting for Obama, but hey, Blacks only make up 13% of the population, we can't put him in office alone. So, obviously, the country is not as racist as we all thought.

    I think people realize that we need to get Democrats back in this country no matter what.

  10. The reason why there reluctant to voting for Obama is because white america is use to having a white presidant and they are in fear of the unkown and are a little hostile on what a non white presidents intentions are with this country.. that is why they keep on bringing up the fact that obama's name is similar to osama and all that bull they think hes gonna do this country wrong and lead them down the wrong path.. but what they DONT KNOW, is that obama is the key to bringing this country together and making changes that are well needed. Mccain is just another bush and what has Bush done for this country other then lead this country down the path of distruction? Mccain will just end up finishing the job and then America will be the ones sorry.. I do know some white americans that are voting for Obama, my bf is white and he is voting for Obama and most of his friends are as well... apparently now that Mccain has a women on team alot of people are crossing over to Mccain because now he has another minority a WOMEN.. which is something obama should have decided to choose.. i dont know why he didnt choose hillary, i was votin for hillary instead of Obama.. but now that its Mccain against Obama im votin Obama all the way REGARDLESS if he has a women on his team, Mccains "hopes and dreams" for this country is the SAME "hopes and dreams" bush has had, and look at where this country is now.... back in Iraq fighting a no win war, the economy is suffering from this, MILLIONS of people are jobless.. its terrible right now.. and Obama actually speaks of changing all this and THAT my friend is what the election is about, who can make the most change for this country in a GOOD way for both middle class and lower class america NOT only rich americans like what Mccain is focusing on.

  11. no. not at all. im that way with hannah montanna. but NOT obama. lol

  12. If that was the case, we wouldn't vote for anyone.  We're not voting for Obama because we want someone good to be president.

  13. I don't think most of us want to be president, if that's what you mean. And if he becomes president it will be 'whitey' that put him there (whether you think that means the white majority or the wealthy elite). There are a few whites that object to having a black president, but most that don't want him feel this way because he is unqualified (to put it politely). Yet they must suffer the indignity of being called racist for voicing that opinion.

    I don't want McCain either. My choice would have been Ron Paul.

  14. No I dont think jealousy plays any part of people choice of who to vote for.  I for one would not want his job or the hassles that come with it. I know I am not supporting him because I disagree with his stands on issues that matter to me.

  15. I like turtles

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