
Do you think changing my name from ashleigh to holly is a good idea?

by  |  earlier

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my name is ashleigh and i hate name so i a thinking of changing it to holly what do you think?




  1. If you don't like your name change it! It's yours and people are not going to hate u for it. At least your name isn't Allison,that name is so horrible and i have to put up with it. And Holly is a pretty name.

  2. If you are still young, you may change your mind. I think Ashleigh is a great name.

  3. I think you should keep your name the name your parents gave you, but it's your name so you have every right to change it if you unhappy with it.

  4. Sadly I think you are probably fairly shallow and with too much time on your hands.  Take up a hobby - possibly involving a ot of personal sacrifice of your time and effort.  You will find that all nonsense of this sort disappears miraculously quickly.

  5. Holly is a cute name.

    i hated it when my dad changed my name to Erica. It was AmErica. yes spelt that way. my mom gave us all different names and now its blah. but oh well i still like my name.

  6. How about Elmily.

  7. I think you should keep it. Like it's the name your parents gave you wheen you were born. It's the first thing they ever called you. That's the name you had when you had your first boyfriend, first kiss, first hug, first friend, even the first time you got grounded! Like, it's been with you through thick & thin, do you really want to change it? Idk, it's your name lol, but I would keep it. I mean I hate my name too, it makes me sound like a snob, but I'm going to keep it forever.

  8. ask your parents the story of why and how they picked your name... Do you have a middle name that you can go by instead?????


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