
Do you think cheerleading is underrated??

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I cheer, and a lot of ppl say its not hard at all.....i mean if they stepped in my shoes for 1 day at practice they would know that it is VERY tiring!!!! i mean all the mounting and stiffness and competition and nooo breakz and and and JUST EVERTHING!! plz tell me im not the only person who thinkz cheering is hard work if u wanna be the best......:I




  1. I think cheerleading has lost it's integrity.

    Cheerleading is a lot more like pole dancing these days.

    Can we NOT cheer our teams on without looking like HO's?

    There are many talented athletes cheering that take a lot of risk (pyramids, etc), but I feel it is MOST inappropriate for high school aged girls to be shaking their hips around at games because you know who's attention they're getting? The 40 year old fathers in the stands. This seems sickening to me. I would think if I was a teen cheerleader, I sure wouldn't want my friend's father ogling me.

    I just wish the sport was more focused on the act of cheering rather than the act of flirting.  

  2. Yes. Cheerleaders are great athletes with excellent coordination. At my high school the men cheerleaders were bigger and stronger than the Rugby team.  

  3. I'm on poms and we see the cheerleaders a lot..they hacve to do all this lifting and throwing and flipping and get all the moves perfect..........WOAHH! oh course its hard!

  4. OMG.

    seriously cheerleading is one of the most difficult sports.

    studys show that injuries in girls occur most from cheerleading.

    tumbling, pulling muscles, thowing other girls in the air.

    it is hard work.

    cheerleading is hard and a lot of fun.

    if you are really serious about i would recommend joining a all star or elite, all competitive team.

    its the bestt =D

  5. Most cheer leaders are ex-gymnast who couldn't take gymnastics so that makes you a wanna be gymnast and i could so make it through your practice!

  6. yes cheerleading is hard work and its really dangerous too!  More poeple get hurt in cheerleading then a lot of other sports.  Its complicated too when your learning new stunts and tumbling skills.  We have to practice none stop and work really hard.  We have to have everything perfect and on time and in sync. Its hard work AND WE MAKE IT LOOK EASY :)    

  7. I agree with you, the stuff that cheerleaders do is very difficult and the practices they do are very long and tiring.

    All those tricks you guys do in the air MUST be perfect or else someone is going to get hurt.


  8. Anyone with any amount of sense knows that cheer-leading isn't easy.

    Most people can see the physical demands of it, and they can recognize the athletic ability that's required.

    But the truth is that most people just don't care about cheer-leading. No one goes to games just to watch the cheer-leaders~except maybe their moms or their jealous boyfriends. Cheer-leading is only a side show during the main event~nothing more.

    Do it because you love it, and stop demanding to be respected.

    Here's a thought for you...

    Put on some pads and try to make it through one day of football practice. Go through all of the drills~the hitting and the tackling, and then tell me which is harder.

  9. In some places cheerleading is a pro sport.The Dallas chearleaders are paid athletes.

  10. I myself am not a cheerleader, but both of my sisters are and I know it's a lot of hard work. Even if I would never admit such a thing to them, it is. It's a lot of hard work and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

  11. yes - i have lots of friends who do cheerleading and its hard work. i mean you have to train to be good ! and its weird when people say its not even a sport . . . its one of the hardest ! i mean you have to b mentally and physically strong to be good. i think people think its nto a real sport becouse its a sport that cheers other sports on , so people think oh  the sport there cheering for is the REAl sport

    edit . . . . . .

    whats with everyone saying there wanna b gymnast? my gosh not everyone wants to make there body deformed for a sport that can only take you so far

  12. cheerleading is like wannabee gymnastics =P

    try playin ice hockey for 1 game they'de probly need to get the difribulator out on you lol. nd even better cheerleaders think they're all hott and S****y and all, but at our school us hockey girls are hotter then the cheerrleaders! HAHA.


  13. Yes cheerleading can be hard - and is really a subform of gymnastics.

    The perception (and in some cases - the reality)  is that most cheerleaders are not selected for their athletic ability.

  14. cheerleading is alotttt of work.

    i cheer for my school and for an allstar team.

    i hate when ppl say cheerleading is not a sport because i work my butt off doing it. it is very tiring, very exhausting, and verrrry danergous.

    i love this quote:

    "in any other sport, when you miss a catch, all you miss is a ball"

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