
Do you think cheerleading should be considered a sport?

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I do because i am a cheerleader and i know how much time and practice you have to put in to be a cheerleader. Also, there are cheerleading competitions, just like any other sport. What do you think? Please be honest.




  1. It is a sport! =]

  2. well duh its a sport! it kills any other sport! trust me...ive been a cheerleader for 9 years and im only 15 :] competitions are fabulous...but practices and conditioning are anybody out there who doesnt think that cheerleading is a sport......go find something other to do in your life than make fun of something you know you love at heart ;]........BE JELOUSE OF CHEERLEADERS CUZ WE ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Well yeah!

    I don't know about how you're cheer goes, but we have to run a mile before we even start practice. Practice goes on at least three times every week. All of the practices are over an hour and a half long. Our grades have to be up and we have to attend  all practices, games, and attend school on days of both practice and games. Just like every other sport, we have to train and work our butts off for it.

    I think it should be considered a sport.

  4. but of course i think its one of the hardest because you have many practices and you have to tumble, jump, stunt, AND cheer........ so yeah its a sport

  5. Cheerleading is not a sport.  YES, it takes time commitment and skill, and it has competitions.  But so does playing in the band or orchestra and they aren't sports.

    By definition, a sport is a physical activity that is governed by a set of rules and engaged in competitively and objectively scored.  No question it is physical and requires athleticism.  No question it is hard and demanding.  But its primary function is not that of competition, although competitions do exist.

    So the primary function is not competition.

    Score, when kept in competition is subjective, not objective

    There is no standard set of rules, although rules do govern most competitions.

    So sorry ladies, cheerleading is definitely not a sport.

    But is certainly is physically demanding, takes hard work and commitment.  But its no more a sport than playing in the band or ballroom dancing.

    I know this won't get best answer.  But it is the most accurate answer.

  6. yes, i do... my daughter is in dance, and I see the commitment involved and the physical aspect.... especially if it is competitve cheerleading, then it is definitely a sport.

  7. Yes, I do think cheerleading is a sport. I have been cheering for 5 years and I've learned that it isn't easy. It takes a lot of athletic ability to do the things we do. Lifting people up in the air and then throwing them, and have to be ready for the catch is difficult, and takes a lot of strength. There is a lot of conditioning that we do at our practices. We run a mile before practice, and then we do stunts and cheers and such, and then condition for an hour, if not longer. It's a lot of hard work and I don't think cheerleaders get half as much credit as they should for all the hard work that goes into the sport.

  8. dancing is not a sport..sorry.

    cheerleading however, you need strength to tumble, and stunt.

  9. Cheerleading is a Sport.

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