
Do you think childhood immunizations are essential to their health and well being?

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Do you think childhood immunizations are essential to their health and well being?




  1. I remember Polio.  It was more prevelant during warm and Summer months.

    Public pools closed.

    Movies closed.

    Public parks closed.

    No Summer gatherings.

    Parents worried themselves sick that their children would contract this scourage.

    There were no cures.  

    Most died.  (Iron lung saved some)

    Those who survived were left crippled. (Pres. Roosevelt)

    Then, Jonas Salk discoverd a vaccine.

    I haven't heard of a Polio case in years.

    Remember Small Pox?  Scars for life.

    Measles?  Possible blindness.

    Chicken Pox?  Aggravation, possible scars.

    Whooping Cough?  

    Mumps?  Devastating to adult men.

    Had 4 of above, no Small Pox., and passed on to brothers and sisters.

    All preventable with vaccines.


    What was your question again?

  2. Yes,and to those they come in contact with.Call the Co. Health Dept for a scedule and prices ,which are better than a private Drs offices.I have a couple cousins that work for them,one a nurse,another a lab tech..My opinion is against modified live virus stuff,always in favorof killed virus vaccinations ,here!!!

  3. Of course.

  4. If you have seen the psychic trauma caused by polio disease and death from smallpox and not  to mention other childhoods will agree with me that childhood immunization is essential to humanity!

    Off course there are inherent dangers reported with the procedures.

  5. Not just their health and well being, but that of the entire community. We had nearly wiped out the childhood diseases, but people started thinking that the immunizations were unnecessary and now they have returned.

  6. Depends. I do believe in a natural strong immune system the way God intended us to have. I also do believe that vaccinations have their place, but not the chemicals and other garbage that they put in the vaccines. So, in terms of infections with high risk of disability or death in a high risk area, yes - vaccinate the child, low risk, no.

  7. In a word... NO.

    Actually, quite the contrary, in my opinion.  Every parent is faced with this decision.  Many take the easy road and choose to follow blindly, placing total faith in the public health system.  However, parents like us research thoroughly and make informed decisions based on education and history.

    Vaccines are causing all kinds of problems in American children, most of which are not connected to causation/contribution by the ever-increasing recommendations for childhood vaccines.  Even if a parent makes a connection, it is generally not supported by doctors, who usually won't even entertain a discussion about such things.  ADHD, SIDS, ADD, Autism, asthma, eczema, allergies and other autoimmune issues, immunodeficiencies, learning disabilities, developmental delays, etc.  Just one look at the astonishing list of ingredients (metals, toxins, aduvants, antigens, foreign protiens, animal DNA, unknown viruses, etc.) would support the fact that consequences are arising all around us.  Nearly 20% of public school-aged children receive some type special service or intensive training based on need.

    A study of the history of disease would show that vaccines cannot be credited with eradicating them.  Only about 10% of the population was vaccinated against Smallpox.  The Polio epidemic was 90% reduced BEFORE vaccines became widely available.  These declines are mainly attributed to increased sanitation, education and better living conditions.  Fear (and misleading data) is often used as the motivating factor for mass vaccination.

    In terms of risks for today, children are at much greater risk for permanent damage or disability from vaccination than from any of the diseases in question.  A parent must take one vaccine/disease at a time, weigh risks and benefits, and make independent decisions each step of the way.  For example, Babies are not in the risk category for Hep B.  The vaccine is rediculous and unnecessary and only lasts 7-12 years.  Also, there have been 0 cases of Polio in the US for 30 years, except those few that were caused by the vaccine.  I say skip the toxins.  Exemptions are available in each State for schooling purposes should a parent decide to vaccinate selectively or not at all and when in doubt, delay.

    Informed and independent decisions are necessary to preserve overall health and immune function for our children.  Our almost 5-yr-old, suffers with autoimmune issues, which began and worsened with pediatric vaccines.  We chose to suspend them shortly after 6 months of age.  Our 2-yr-old... no vaccines, no problems.  I wish I had known there was a CHOICE.  Good luck.

  8. If you think that administering ingredients in those shots such as aborted fetal tissue, egg whites, aluminum, anti-freeze and an assortment of other dangers ingredients in those shots are good, then sure.  Check out and see.  Also just Google immunization ingredients to find out yourself.

    People get scared and want to ban unimmunized children if there is an outbreak.  I guess they don't have much faith in the shots they gave their own children.

    Would you go and expose yourself to 8 or more diseases at the same time to fight off?  That's what happens when you take your children in for those multiple shots.

    My healthiest child is the one not immunized.  5 years and never a sick day in her life.  Not so much as an ear infection or a cold.

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