
Do you think children can become depressed?

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Do you think children can become depressed?




  1. No I don't think... I know for a fact that children can become depressed. Just because their young doesn't mean their emotions aren't developed. They feel just like the rest of us...

    If their pet dies... they would cry... they would be sad & possibly even depressed. So yes, children can be depressed to.

  2. yes...depression is a mental illness that doesn't just start as an adult a lot of children suffer with it

  3. Yes.  It is very common for teens to become depressed, and children can become depressed, too, particularly after something traumatizing.

  4. YES, absolutely!  Why do people think children should just always be so happy?  Childhood is one of the hardest periods of a human's life sometimes.  I had severe depression at 10/11 due to always moving thanks to my dad being in the military, and having a physical illness called "Crohn's Disease" to a point where I got anorexia as a way of trying to deal with the depression and I got suicidal at 12.  So yes, children do get depressed, and they're more at risk if they:

    Move a lot (which I did, because I never put down roots)

    Have mental illness in the family (which I do)

    Are abused

    Are neglected

    Suffer from a severe physical ailment (which I did)

    Have unhappy relationships in the home

    Are bullied at school or elsewhere

    Have experienced some sort of trauma

  5. yes because pressure at school or home can affect them

  6. yeah its already far too common... give them a good start get em off the sofa and spend them out to play in the fresh air


  7. yes

  8. Yurp ..

    I have a friend who saw the doctor about it and it was confirmed..


  9. In pre-teens, there usually is abuse and/or neglect involved, but occasionally, it's an inherited condition.

  10. Yes even more so than adults as soon as theyre over 10 they are gonna get alot sadder.

  11. Absolutely. In fact, recent figures in the UK show that the number of primary aged children seeing psychologists and psychiatrists has DOUBLED in the last 10 years, largely due to the unnecessary pressure being placed on them at school because of tests and exams.

  12. yes children can become depressed, anyone can become depressed.

    its better to recognize it at a young age so you can find help to prevent from more serious depression later on in life.

  13. Of course.Hundreds of teens are depressed in the world and it is caused by a omega 3 deficiency.Depression is a disease that has a cure.

  14. I consider this an important question. Normally children have the capacity to regain their balance quickly. But when they are put to abuse repeatedly, it definitely tells upon their mental health and behaviour and their future gets affected. This happens when the parents are not showing proper care, concern, interest or affection towards the children. Parents should sense their feelings and keep them inspired and happy. This does not require that the parents should be rich enough to make their children happy. You can give inspiration and happiness by motivating them and praising their even small actions.

    Children in under-developed countries are affected in this kind of situations. Ultimately such children without knowing what best course to adopt in their life become utterly negative in their attitude and this leads to adamant, extremism and terrorism. Children who are not given due care and attention become casualty for the society. This has to be answered by wise minded people. Children who are not brought up in right circumstances can be given shelter by well to do lots.

  15. Most definatly! I work with kids who suffer from depression and to say that it only affects adults is dispicable!!!  

  16. Yes, I think they can.

    I, myself, looking back, know I had depression, although of course I didn't know at the time! All I knew was that I was unhappy. I have photo's of me and it shows!

  17. No, kids now days are just plain dumb, they are lazy, and want everything handed to them. I remember as a kid, I went to school 8 hours a day, plus sports, and I worked for everything I got.

  18. You ask this question as if children are some sort of animal. Do animals get depressed? Of course! So maybe you shouldn't think of children of some sort of different species of human then you or I. Children can get depressed! It's human nature.  

  19. i think no,  depression as a mental illness wihich can be treated applies mostly to adults. Children can get down, but you can build them up again if you're clever and understanding!

    best wishes   Arthur!

  20. I am 12 years old, and I suffered from depression for about a year or two now. It's hard to tell what's going on, and you don't understand anything anymore. It's crazy, and when someone says something to upset you, but as a joke, you will start crying and cut yourself maybe. Part of my depression is because of lack of father in my life. It may sound unbeliveable, but another reason is because of this guy, my first love, and I knew he was the one, until I found out he was playing me, I attempted to commit suicide, but it didn't work, I just sat crying in my room for days and I started an eating disorder. I cut myself, and felt like I was crying tears of blood. So to answer your question, absolutely, children can become VERY depressed. Cure it, before it becomes a problem, and before they are scarred for life.

  21. yes. i know i was. i attempted suicide at age 12 and i have been cutting ever since.

    i was depressed way before then though, like since i was around 4 or 5.

  22. Yes children can also become depressed. All human being undergo at least some point of life in this stage. Severity comes when it persists for long and recurs.

    If children is not given proper care or in children mind some cognitive crisis or conflict arise or feel insecure or due to some physiological reason this state can happen.  

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