
Do you think children............?

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Do you think that mothers love their children more than the dads? Maybe as a result of being the one the child 'grows' inside of? You hear of women abandoning their children WAY less than men do with the deadbeat dad situation the way it is, etc. So I'm just curious...what's your opinion?




  1. yeah of course, but not because the fathers arent trying i dont think anyone will love my babies as much as i do though i have a great husband who my babies relate to and get along with he just doesnt have the same empathy i do for them

  2. I don't think so.  My husband loves our children just as much as I do, he just shows it differently.  I think a lot of the "deadbeat" dads don't want it to be that way but the mothers make it so hard for them to have a relationship with their kids that it hurts less to cut their losses.  

    I know some men who make better Dad's to their kids than the Mother.  I don't think it has much to do with who carried the baby, or the s*x of the parent or child.  Some people are just not cut out for parenthood.

  3. I think that they love their children just as much as their children's fathers (u know, if the relationship is lasting).  I think that it's a different type of love though.  The love a mother feels for her baby is more of a nurturing, protective love and the love she feels for her husband is more romantic.  They're just two different types of love that can be equally as strong.  Sometimes the (NEEDED) attention that is given to children though, is mistaked for more love, and that's not always the case.

  4. no, i don't think that's true. you hear more about deadbeat dads b/c the general public feels sorry for a single mom. I know it's morbid, but you hear more about moms being the one who's murdered a child way more than dad being the culprit. I know several dads who have taken custody of children in a divorce b/c the mom just didn't care. One of my friends fought to adopt the older child (not his), before getting a divorce, just so he could make sure she had a loving father in her life. I think it really just depends on the parent, and how capable they are of being a parent.

  5. I think, in general, some fathers have a hard time bonding, so it would seem that they love their child less. If the father is not in the situation, then it is even harder for them to bond with the baby. However, sometimes I do think that fathers don't love their children at all, because they refuse to support them and don't even take the time to get to know them. I also think that it is easier for a mother to love unconditionally because of  the tendency to be nurturing, whereas males are not as traditionally emotionally involved.  

  6. I think it is different in each and every situation.  I think a lot of times a mother has a stronger bond with her child, but not necessarily loves her child more then the father loves the child.  And I think men and woman have a different way of showing doesn't mean one loves the child more then the other.  

  7. I honestly have to say I don't think its so one sided...even tho yes,you hear of the fathers taking off way more than the mothers but nobody really knows the actual situation in which the father left.It could have been something to do with the mother and as a result the mother will not allow the father to see the child and then turns it around to make him look like the bad guy. Women do abandon their children a lot more than people hear about.

    Some fathers to be just get scared and don't know what else to do,and then you have your classic deadbeat dads also...but here where I live I know more single fathers than single mothers due to the mothers feeling weighed down by their kids and wanting to always go out and party and so on and so forth. I do believe that mothers probably have a stronger bond and connection with their children than the fathers due to the fact that they are the ones who carried the baby for 9 months and they are the one who solely takes care of the newborn in the beginning(not in all cases) so they are much more connected with eachother as opposed to the father who pretty much sits back and watches since they can not carry the child or breastfeed the baby and so on.

    Dunno if thats the answer you were lookin for but that is my take on it

  8. i think see where you're coming from here...however in my case, my fiance  and i adopted our two year old boy right after he appeared into this world. (we also have a beautiful little six year old, who is our birth daughter). so when it comes to our son, i cant claim  that he developed inside me, but the fact that i love him more than my life remains solid. although i often feel that no one could love our boy as much as i do, i know and see that the daddy shares my love for little Leon. hes currently in iraq, but when he contacts us and hears the voices of his babies, the man literally cries. now, for our little princess Jasmine, she and i have the strongest intimacy. but when daddy was still here, I'm going to have to admit, she was his girl. not that it prevented the friendship her and i have, I'm just saying that daddy is irreplaceable to my babies.

    from what you're saying, i think it all depends on the daddy. i know guys who prefer a day at the game instead of devoting their precious off work time to their family. i know that my fiance wouldn't trade a second with his kids for anything in the world.

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