
Do you think children these days have respect?

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Not me, when I was a kid I never did half the things kids today do. Then again I guess its how you are raised. Am I right? I'm right!




  1. I think it's entirely dependent on the parent. My stepdaughter is very respectful to almost everyone. The only people she is disrespectful to are her mother and the people she sees her mother act disrespectful to.

  2. No discipline equals no respect. It's almost impossible to get kids to behave in this world today.

  3. Yes, it's how one is raised.  We have come across children who have absolutely no sense of respect, no sense of decency, and it's so very sad.

    My husband and I are quite proud of our children, ages 9 and 6.  We're trying our best to raise them properly, instilling the good qualities.

  4. most kids don't have respect these days,the ones that do really shine because of this.i think kids get & then expect too much,..i wont say any more,i'll only start moaning!

  5. I think alot of how the kids today act has to do with how they were raised.  My two children are very respectful.  (trust me they are not perfect by any means but they do respect others)

    But it is what I have taught them.... be kind, hold the door, smile... sometimes it is very hard to do the right thing, but it is worth it.

  6. I think a lot of kids have respect. I think they act different than the children did 20 years ago, but not by much. It all depends on how they are raised and what they are taught. I see so many posts on here about blatantly bad behavior from parents about their children and I have to say, I don't actually see this in real life too much.

    No child has ever flat out been rude to me, expect 1. His mother came for a visit (we are no longer friends) and the little boy jumped up and down my dishwasher door while his mom laughed and said, "Oh my- that's he broke mine!" I was furious and picked him up and sat him in time out. He was 5. I have never had to do that or had that experience, except that time. His mother basically was a lazy parent.

    That's what it boils down to.

  7. I think that we hear and see mostly the loudest Kids and Teens. Give you time to look and you see that many Kids are mostly sweet and respectfull.

    You are right when you say that many Parents today dont teach respect or discipline to there childs. But i think the most Parents think other. When we have a Birthday Party or so and we have childs to visit with Parents they dont teach respect i mostly need Minutes and a couple of words (not scolding) and the Kids are in Line. You dont have a Problem when you clear that you are the adult and the child is a child.

  8. Yeah it's just that a bunch of adults and whomever give us a bad reputation and think that they can just assume that we're all horrible children, just cause every now and again some idiot teen decides to make a bad descision.

  9. I've seen some that are respectful and haave raised mine to be. I think you're right though. If a child isn't raised to respect others, they won't. Kids learn by example.

  10. I think the ones with decent parents do. All the bad parents, and ones that buy their kids out...those are the ones raising questionable kids from what I've seen. Every age, race, income, ect. included. I think it boils down to parenting...or lack of.

  11. I have a great deal of respect for everyone around me. I am respectful of everyone until I am given very good reason not to be. Even then, I am courteous. And I'm 17, so of all the ages I could be, this is supposed to be one of the worst. I am constantly complimented for my respectful and compassionate attitude, so I don't believe it is out of line for me to say so.

    Every ounce of respect that I have is there because of my parents. They are amazing, and every positive quality that I have is entirely their fault. They raised me with good manners and a strong sense of respect, and I plan to do the same for my children when I have them.

    That being said, I also have my own opinions, and will stand up for others, and for myself, even if that means disagreeing with an adult. Quite frankly, I don't believe there is much respect in blindly agreeing with someone just because they are in an authority position. I can respect someone and still disagree with them.

    I do not follow the "children should be seen and not heard" school of thinking, because I believe that it disrespects children merely because of their age, and I believe that is wrong. That does not mean that I lack respect in any way, and in fact is a sign that I have respect for myself.

    Perhaps some kids these days have no respect, but the same could be said for kids of any generation. A lack of respect is nothing new, and is not something inherent in a person. If someone is not taught respect (and part of that is recieving respect) then chances are they will never show respect. I am respectful because I was raised with respect, and raised to believe that respect is a vital part of every relationship.

    Also, for all the kids who lack respect towards adults, there are just as many adults who have zero respect for kids, and kids need and deserve respect every bit as much as adults.

    There are far more mature and respectful kids out there than adults give credit for.

  12. no most kids today have no respect for anyone including themselves. when i was a kid children were seen and not heard. you respected your elders and helped around the house. I am proud to say my children are very respectful. I have gotten several complements on they're behavior in public and they're politeness. just a few days ago my 10 year old son received a quarter for being kind and opening a door for an elderly gentleman with a broken foot. but many of my children's friends have no manners. 1 friend of my son's tells his mother that she's going to get him want he wants when he wants. he asked me 1 night if he could send the night and i told him no someone else was coming and he asked me who s coming over that i can't and i told him it was none of his business and if he ever talked to me like that again he won't be allowed over ever again.

  13. I do agreee that kids today aren't as wellbehaved and disciplined as kids were when I was a child.  They're not respectful, they're rude, obnoxious and loud...not all of them, but a good many of them.  As daddy and I were discussing yesterday, it all depends on how they're raised!  If a child isn't taught to be respectful, they're not going to give respect.  If a child isn't corrected, they're not going to be wellbehaved.  They are what you raise them to be!

    I have two boys.  I believe in spanking them...I use a belt to do so.  I don't scream, yell or curse them...I explain, speak in an even tone, and use a piece of leather to get the point across, if need be.  I also raise them at the foot of the cross.  They're taught good, christian morals along with ample amounts of love and respect.  I tell hubby, if you don't respect your kids, you don't get respect.  Think about it.  You must give respect to earn it.  

    My boys are always praised for their good behavior no matter where we go.  They're always quiet, respectful and behaved...and everyone notices.  I've been asked, What's your secret?  My reply:  Secret?  There is no secret.  I raise them the way I was raised.  My parents didn't 'spare the rod,' they used it on my butt when I needed it, they explained WHY they were correcting me BEFORE they corrected me, and if I was promised a spanking, I received it...not an hour later, right then and there!  I want good kids, so I raise them to be good kids.  I don't turn them loose and expect them to be angels...I guide them.

    God bless you and yours...Always!

  14. Most kids have no respect because discipline has changed so much in the last several years. When I was growing up I knew that if I back talked I would get severly punished. Now a days, kids just get told not to do it again and that's that. I don't agree with no punishments for children misbehaving and I think that if more parents would discipline their children that you would not have so may disrespectful kids out there.

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