
Do you think children with special needs are kind of freaky?

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Do you think children with special needs are kind of freaky?




  1. I have disabilities and i hate it when people judge us and no we are not freaky and not freaks so that is that.

    We have needs and wants and hopes and dreams. We are just like all you people that have no disability.

    My last year of high school-I was asked if i had any questions?

    I asked what do i do now after high school? I was told that people without disabilities ask that same questions and are also scared  because they are leaving high school. So we have alot in common with others that have no disabilities.

  2. When I first see someone with the obvious physical signs that they have some sort of special need, I sorta think: 'whoa...', but than I remember that I could have easily been in their position, and that it isn't their fault that they were born a certain way, or something happened to them, and I feel ashamed.

  3. Personally no I dont.

    I understand what you mean though in the sense that people with special needs are often segragated in our socieites even though efforts are being made to be inclusive there still is a long way to go in terms of being really truely inclusive. And without good funding to support people to be intergrated and involved in mainstream society there is going to be unsecure systems and supports in place so alot of stress and tension surround being 'special needs' for them and their family and society. Because there is such variation and it is such a battle for people with speical needs (and you are paricualry refering to children) then special needs is seen as something outside or seperate to normal society so special needs issues arent really reflected in the media - nor are special needs people acting on tv or appearing on add campaignes or in picture/story books for anything other then being 'special needs' rather then just as a person/ So some people in society who are fed all this information - subliminally, can be made to consider that a speical needs person is 'freaky' because they are always presented as 'the others' rather then as us.

    Unless you know children with special needs or are a perceptive person to people in general then you might feel uncomfortable with unpredictable behaviour or unexpected behaviours or physical qualities because you are unfamiliar with these people as people.

    I think it was an honest question. We all get a little uncomfortable around what we dont know - its a natural response. What the challenge is is to be a thinking and compassionate person so that you can see a person - any person, for who they are inside then it is less likely you would find anyone freaky because we all have our complexities its just some are more immediatly obvious then others.

    I like that you asked this question. There is no point denying that people do feel freaked out by what they dont know and its ok because a kid with speical needs might be equally as freaked out by you as you are by them because you are brave enough to be real with them rather then how some people can be towards people with speical needs and that is be incrediably false and self congratulating! :)

  4. my m8 is but she is sooooo the coolest girl i no, but i guess she is a bit rough around the edges! i think that is just her personality though

  5. Not at all,

    As a person who spends a lot of time in special ed I know it's a little hard to be around them at first because you don't really know how to act around them.

    But if you get to know them more, they can turn out to be great people.

    (Walt Disney and Albert Eienstien both had special needs and look where they are)

  6. No they are not they are human beings too, I'm a special-ed student and I am definitely not freaky!  What is wrong with you?!

  7. these kids are just as important ,loved, needed ,wanted and some woman's only chance , ,they are  no more freaky than you are, you never know when you will be blessed with a child or relative with special needs ,no they are not freaky they just need a little more help and understanding than others , you need to spend some time with a child with special needs ,everyone has something to give,hope this question is not all you have. Have a nice life!

  8. no

  9. Here's some food for thought--"There is a fine line between your weakness and another's disability"

  10. No, but I find people like you who ask ignorant questions like this are intolerable a$$e$!!!!!!!!

  11. No they are not. Me being special needs. We are not freaky. We humans to, and yes we may walk or talk diffrent dosen't make us wired or freaky.

  12. Not at all. I would be ashamed of myself if I did.

  13. my best friend has a special needs child an i feel these children are put on earth for some reason that only god knows. they are special angels her in front of us. special needs children are just what they are SPECIAL

  14. absolutely not! Nobody's perfect...its like making fun of someone because they have glasses and I don't.  They did not ask god to make them the way they were eventhough sometimes their treated as if they had a choice.

  15. I think people who judge us are the freaks.

  16. Not freaky. I feel bad for them, it could so easily be me or my loved one...

  17. i think you should get to them b4 making any judgment,,, you will find out they are just adorable...

  18. Being that more males than females have learning disabilities and autism these days,ans the numbers keep rising,it may very well be one of your children or grandchildren,or someone else in your family that it happens to.Things in the environment that were not there before,are contributing to this problem.When all the boys have autism,I guess woman,will take over the worldMaybe your time,would be better spent on trying to figure out why this is happening.For all of you that still think the vacccines don`t have anything to do with the number of disabled children in this world.Wake up and smell the coffee.Also the cell phone,pesticides,electronic equipment in the landfills,genetically modified food,proccessed food.I could go on and on.

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