
Do you think china should have gotten the 2008 olympics?

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cos i mean they have such bad human rights and the air is really reali bad there so why did the people who decide who gets it next let them get it they are just almost like showing that if you treat people really reali bad you will get the olympics why didn't they just give it to zimbabwe well they were at it




  1. Nope!!

  2. This may be a good thing.  China may be changed forever because of the Olympics.

  3. no, and not because of the human right issues.  the pollution alone should have done it.  

  4. The good thing about the Olympics is that with all the people in here boycotting them we wont have a bunch of stupid Olympic questions in here.

  5. You're right.  China was a very poor choice to have the Olympics.  What were they thinking??  A friend of mine and her husband went to China a few years ago, and she told me that as soon as you land there, you can tell the air is bad and it was harder to breathe.  As a result, her husband ended up in the hospital with pneumonia while on their trip.  Very scary.  The Olympics are suppose to stand for people of all nations getting together in the spirit of sportsmanship.  But if a country treats their people as badly as China does, it seems rather hypocritical to have them host the Olympics.  Bad choice for the Olympic committee!  

  6. no

  7. I agree with you.  I think the Olympic Committe really bombed on this one.  Knowing China's oppressive stand on human rights, their problems with polution and lead based products, I can't imagine what they were thinking awarding the Olympics to China.  As a parent, it would be very difficult for me to allow a child to go there to participate. They have already pulled the visa of Joey Cheek a gold medal speedskater just because of his stand on Darfur.  The olympics are supposed to be about the atheletes and the sport not politics.

  8. No. They should not have. The olympic committee is famous for bad choices. After all, Hitler's Berlin hosted the games just before WW2.

    The next games will probably be in Tehran or Beirut.  

  9. Have any of you actually been to China before you shoot your mouths off? I have and worked there for one year. It has its faults but so do many other countries of the world. I'm glad they got the Olympics and I'm sick of the media circus surrounding it. They never congratulate China, all they do is go on about their human rights records and the rest of it. Other countries are just as bad but they don't get put down in the media as much as China does.

    I wonder what will happen when my country (the UK) hosts the 2012 Olympics, are there going to be people defaming London as well? It's over the top and ridiculous. Can't anybody compliment anymore or is it beneath them? PS no country is perfect.

  10. No. There are too many bad things going wrong. And what's worse is that the government is looking even worse covering it up, and trying to fix the pollution problem in the most populous country on earth in a few months.  

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