
Do you think chris angel should decieve people when it comes to the paranormal??

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I really enjoy watching his shows but playing with peoples

emotions when it comes to the dead is wrong.




  1. Yes, I believe people deserve to be deceived when they marvel at nonsensical c**p! Look at the last congressional vote and who got in? They were very deceptive as well.

  2. What the heck do you think all the rest do? Just because they are better about concealing it, doesn't mean they aren't doing it as well.

  3. Maybe he would be more popular if he could make all of the IEDs and terrorists disappear in the middle east and the rest of the world.

  4. When a magician/illusionist (like Criss Angel) begins his performance he needs to make some sort of statement indicating he's performing a "show".  Not so obvious as to ruin the magic and mood of the performance, but at least some mention of it to assure his audience he is not making any sort of claim to paranormal or supernatural powers.  Most magicians make this sort of "disclaimer" in one way or another.

    If you have a guy like Uri Geller, who is an illusionist like the rest (and no more supernatural than the rest), making claims to have special powers then you have someone who is making an unethical representation of his abilities.  He is in fact lying.  It is no longer a performance where the audience is asked to suspend disbelief for the sake of the show.  He is now crossing the line and taking advantage of the trust of his audience.  I have not seen Angel do this, but if he is then he is a sleaze bag just like Geller.

  5. get rid of Chris Angel and switch to Darren Brown,

    Look him up on youtube.

  6. Chris Angel is a Magician,and a great one.He's not deceiving anyone.It's the people pretending to be real doing the deceiving.

  7. that is his job,

    he messes with people,

    its all illusion,

    any real researcher will see him for what he is in a very short time.

    most people know who he is, and the rest of the people will likely always be lost.

    I suggest you quit thinking about him.

  8. He is in the entertainment business people deceive others everyday.

  9. Chris Angel is a brilliant cold reader and a very good magician, if you like his schtick. He seems to enjoy scaring people -- even his own family. His idol is Harry Houdini, who spent much of his life imitating the tricks of psychics and mediums and exposing them. I think Chris is well within his rights to play with people's gullibility and belief in the paranormal. His purpose is entertainment -- and to show how easy it is to fool people by using his fake "psychic powers".

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