
Do you think chris benoit should be in the hall of fame ?

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i think he should be inducted next year your thoughts




  1. Yeah, I no that what he did was horrible and should never be remembered for that Murder-Suicide of himself and his family. However, he was still one of the best superstars in WWE history who always perservered and the fans loved

  2. yes

  3. I don't care what anyone says that creep is murderer and a child-killer who doesn't deserve to be in anything but h**l.

  4. if wwe were to do that u know how many fans will go insane and stop watching? say a football player killed his wife & child, would u induct him into the HOF? i dont think so. plus, with tha being said, vince can be put in jail for a yr for that and wwe may be injeapordy. so i say h**l NAW!!! its chris' own fault anyway.

  5. Probably he will but it would be hard since the horrible events happen last year, its trickey because eddie guerro was inducted but at best was a mid high level main eventer.  His star was comming but it ended shortley, the same with benoit, these were superstars who stuggle in the wcw but found a identity in the wwe.  It wasnt until in the last couple of years that they started to make thier names.  Those who have been accepted in the hall of fame had made a contributions and a long last impressions on the fans and wrestling business, making history and shaping the industry for others to come.  

  6. NAW!!!!

  7. yes

    regardless of what he did during his last days, he had one of the most amazing and storied professional wrestling careers in history

    and besides, JBL would call him a future hall of famer when he called benoit's matches. And JBL doesn't lie.

  8. Most likely, that will never happen. They don't even want us to remember Chris Benoit in the wrestling world. Go to and most references have been erased of him [not ALL but the majority of them]. WWE would rather have us forget Benoit for the sake of their own behinds.

  9. Yes. He is one of the greatest technical wrestlers in the business

    What he did in the past was wrong and cruel but he wasn't thinking at the time but even though he did it, then he shouldn't get his legacy spit on by haters and the WWE

    He won't be inducted unfortunately because the WWE has decide to lose all contact with benoit's career, like he never exsited which is a d**n shame..

    RIP Benoit - Best technical wrestler today!

  10. If he was inducted I would just be literally crying of happiness. I don't care what he has done because I know deep inside my heart that it wasn't his fault. I stand by that.

    Other reasons why he should be inducted? He was one of the best technical wrestler, entertainer, and champion in WWE history. All of his matches back in WCW were classic and great. WWE should remember what he did in the ring and not in his personal life.

    -Quote the Raven, Nevermore

  11. Yes. He did a lot for the business in a whole. He will be inducted, just not anytime soon. Once everything blows completely over and the media forgets who Benoit is, he'll be inducted.

  12. He was a great, great wrestler and, until the tragedy, he seemed destined for that.  Alas, I don't think there will ever be a time to induct Benoit the person in the HOF, even though Benoit the wrestler deserved it.  I'm pretty sure the WWE will keep to its word to never ever even mention him again.  Sad, very very sad -- he was one of the great ones.  I don't think I'll ever understand it.

  13. yes.

  14. Without a doubt he should be inducted, but it will never happen. Especially after all the bad press his death gave WWE.

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