
Do you think chupacabras are real?

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i dont really know what to think about them...but ive watched the monster quest thing on them twice..haha

i think it would be soooooOOooOOoOo cool i they were real. yeah, you probably think i sound stupid but whatever.

do you think they are real?




  1. when i look at the picture of the chupacabras from

    the first think i realized it the big black eyes and nose

    without the spikes, horns, whatever it is on the head, it looks very much like those big-head-little-body aliens. i don't know what they are called.

    second thing on my head is human and guerilla. chupacabra and big-head alien.

    well... human is sending robots to Mars, putting plants inside spacestation. they even send monkey to space. first monkey in space is Albert Bernstein II in 1949.

    so i'm thinking... the alien send chupacabras to earth to test how long they can survive in our planet? o.O if chupacabras can survive in our planet then they can assume it might be fine for them to enter our planet without protective suit.

    hey there might be  bateria,virus, germs that can kill them (them as the aliens) easily. and also the atomshpere incase it's toxic to them.

    wiki said the creature usually appear in Dominican Republic, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Brazil, the United States, and Mexico

    but In April 2006, MosNews reported that the chupacabra was spotted in Russia for the first time.


    i don't know if they can swim that far distance

    no fin nor do they have a fish like tail.

    they can doggy paddle?

    going undergound and dig or drill all the way from north, south, and/or central america to Russia?

    anyway it's a 50/50 chance to believe in their existence

  2. Nobody has yet define that question.

  3. Chupacabra means "goat sucker" in Spanish.

    I'm sure there's at least one goat sucker in Mexico.

  4. Why would I want to believe in "goat suckers"?

  5. Sure they exist. Sooner or later they might catch one.

    But I think they are some kind of ferral canine with a serious health problem. I'm not too sure those in Puerto Rico are in any way related either.

  6. no they aren't real but then again some of the people in mexico believe they are but remember they are illiterate and most of them Have' been through high school or nothing it would be neat but so far they are not finding what they say they site. they did have something down her in texas they found and it was a wolves that had lost its furn and it was starving and stuff like that but took quite awhile before they found out what it was just like vampires aren't' real its fiction. its nice to dream and wonder but no way. its all just stories to get your attention just some of them some people are just old and not sure what they are seeing. they have alot about it on history channel and there are somethings they can't explain but still no siting and really flesh to come up with the Yettie and other names it is called but that could be real if we keep looking and so just another thing to be aware that now could be real . there are still places in this world not known so there are chances out there. take care. have a good day

  7. They are as real as sasquatches, yetis, yowies and werewolves.

  8. think? i happen to know the cupacabra himself because i have had sexual relations with him for the last 20 years

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