
Do you think citizens are interested in political matters?

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Do you think citizens are interested in political matters?




  1. Not nearly enough.  They may vote but many can't tell you why they're voting for a particular candidate.  Most people don't understand how much impact these elected officials have on their everyday life.  And yes, many do vote for the ones that they believe will benefit them personally.  Very few consider what is best for the country as a whole.  I haven't heard any of the presidential candidates say as JFK did, "Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country."

  2. You know, I participated for the first time Tuesday in Texas's crazy primary-caucus hybrid. The turnout was phenomenal. I never imagined that many people would show up to support their candidate of choice. Voting is one thing, but showing up to caucus (especially with all the chaos) required patience and commitment. That being said, I was a little disappointed that a lot of the voters at the caucus seemed to have very little knowledge about the issues. With the historical implications that this race has (obviously race vs. gender) so many have gotten lost in some of the more superficial elements.

    To answer your question, I think people are interested in political matters that personally affect them. For instance, a soldier's mother might desperately want to end the war, a factory worker who has been laid off may be critical of NAFTA, a young uninsured mother is probably concerned with health care, and homosexuals and minorities are concerned with civil rights. All in all, though the population as a whole may not be informed on the specific issues, there is an overwhelming desire for change in America. I know that this is the buzzword for the election, but it is a real thing in the minds of people.

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