
Do you think collector barbies from the 90s will ever be worth much?

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I randomly searched a few i have on ebay, and they aren't selling for much. Do you think its the economy or just a disintrest in Barbie? Do you think i should hold on to them longer? The oldest doll is 15 years old. Any advice from collectors would be appreciated. Thanks.




  1. probably in 2201.

    sorry , i really dont know

    but i know the first barbie cost over 10000 dollar. it said so on oprah

  2. It's simple supply and demand really.  When the collector thing got going, there weren't a lot of unplayed with number 1 Barbies around.  So they went for mega prices and a lot of people got excited and bought dolls and put them away in the closet thinking in 10 years, they would have a 5,000 dollar doll.  Add to that Mattel flooding the market with variations every year since then as well and you have way too much supply and not enough demand to get the sort of prices people imagined they would be worth in 10 or 20 years.

  3. I think you should wait a few more years, and they should sell for a bunch. They probably aren't selling for much because the 90s weren't that long ago, so just wait a bit.

  4. well what i would say is yes because some doll collectors would pay like alot of money for a doll that was never played or opened from the box i would put it up for auction and go from there.

  5. probably if you keep them in the original packaging, maybe you will have to wait another 15 years, people become nostalgic when they get in their older years and want something to remind them of their youth

  6. I am a doll seller on ebay, and the market was flooded with Barbies and they called them collectibles, and the made millions. No one knows what that market will do even the #1 barbie does not sell for what she did 5 years ago.

  7. Barbies have been decreasing in value consistantly for the past 7 to 8 years now. The dolls from the 90's can be purchased for way below their original retail value. If you have these dolls, not so good for you. If you want some of these would be the perfect time to buy! I don't see the dolls from the 90's rebounding.

  8. Yup. All the Steffie face dolls. most of the Mattel Barbies from the 90's either used the old 70's / 80's Steffie molds if they were made in Japan or the regular versions if made in China. the only problem is you have too look for them and know what your looking for. Steffie face dolls go about 250% over book value on regular Mattel china made dolls.

  9. Probaly not

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