
Do you think college regulations go far enough to ban offensive language?

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Do you think college regulations go far enough to ban offensive language?




  1. College, if it works, is supposed to teach people how to do research for themselves. The student should learn how to think, NOT how to forbid.

    Banning what others do is totalitarianism and is not acceptable for educated individuals.

    Get over your penchant to...ban..and try to ;learn the value of tolerance.

  2. I feel that at the very center core of offensive language is the simple concept of a "coping mechanism".  It compensates for the users lack of intenstinal fortitude, or the lack of a mental grasp on the true nature of the situation or person they are dealing with.  Now TRUE BIGOTS are a category unto themselves.  They are true subjects that have been  physcosocially trained for huge periods of time to completely be beyond understanding the situations they are in and cannot only not grasp the true nature BUT rather most ofter NEVER see the incongrity at ALL.  The third and last category for lack of a better name to categories them are the "comedians" than recognize the obsurdities of these situations to such an extent that they tend to go overboard and in the end "insult" or "stereotype" members within their own groupl   SO WHAT TO DO; OR AT LEAST WHAT CAN THE AVERAGE PERON TRY TO DO TO OVERCOME THIS "sandboard" phrase; or and I hate to use this pharse so maybe  someone can give me a better word' slipped pharse.   FIRST:  Eliminate the offensive phrases among peers, TWO, Take a more divine step of a little forgivness when you hear it but don't let it slide.  A polity rewording suggestion may help, or simply say, "I'd prefer you would "articulate your thoughts in a much more harmonic way so that we can maintain a "jello-pop" atmosphere here"  OK, OK, I know only Bill Cosby ,Jerry Lewis, Rodney Dangerfield, or Richard Pryor could get away with some of that.  The Point is .  Dahli Lama once said something to the effect, "to give others peace, practice compassion: to give yourself inner peace.......practice compassion. (Hope I didn't butcher this too bad but you get the idea)  End of Ramble which I will now abbreviate as EOR.

  3. I want to be able to use the everyday language of today's world to express how I feel about any given subject,  and if it takes words like "**** or ****" to emphasise my point,  then who are the powers that be to hinder me from exercising my vocabulary. It seems that its not only College regulations we have to worry about,  Yahoo have already stress their point.

  4. Using offense to squelch free speech is the tactic of whining PC idiots and certain middle eastern religious groups.  They go WAY TOO FAR.

  5. Please clarify why you feel this question should be in the Anthropology section.

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