
Do you think colored belts grading would make sence in MMA?

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A thought has crossed my mind today. Do you think it would make sense? Well, it won't necessarily have to be actual belt.

Or maybe same way Russians made it with all of their sports?




  1. No because its not one art you are being graded in. It is MIXED martial arts and people do different ones so you couldn't really grade it like that.

  2. MMA is the competition of any two non specific Martial arts styles competing against each other in a specialized rules set usually for profit. It is not a style, art, technique or training program - it is the name used as a contrast to single discipline martial arts competitions and that is all.

    In reality, any person who fights another person (regardless of training) under the unified rules is an MMA fighter. A pure boxer or a pure TDK or an untrained thug off the street or my grandmother can be an MMA fighter as long as they do it under the rules.

    People watch too much Youtube "MMA vs ?" as long as they are fighting under MMA rules they are both MMA fighters regardless of training and if they are not, neither of them are MMA fighters.

    An example of the term:

    Japanese Shooto is full of "Cross trained" and "Freestyle" athletes who fight in a NHB type environment but it has different rules than MMA, so it is not MMA.

    Vale Tudo has similar "Cross trained" and "Freestyle" athletes who fight in a NHB type environment but is not MMA.

    The styles and methods used in these three sports can be exactly the same but are defined through specific rules.

    An MMA school is one of two things or both:

    1. A regular martial arts academy(that has been around for years) with the trendy MMA buzzword attached to it to maximize profits.

    2. A center that trains exclusively for competition under MMA rules. There MMA is used to limit training to fit the rules and not enhance it. Otherwise a normal multi-disciplined academy (like you can find in a lot of places - without the MMA trend word).

    Bottom-line: Obviously people do not know what MMA is and the internet is not helping. You cannot have a belt system to something that does not actually exist.


    Cross training: Training in multi-disciplines of Martial Arts over time. Whether it is one and then base others off that (which is the best) or a little all at once (not recommended but saves time) this is not a new concept to martial arts and can be seen in other forms like in Gymnastics or Track and field.

    Freestyle martial artist: Is a Martial Artists who uses a synthesis of various styles of martial arts such that the practitioner is free from only one style and able to use whatever is necessary to defeat the opponent.  This is a personal ideology used to combat (as in the case of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do) the static Kata forms that were/are so prevalent in the money hungry Neo-traditional Martial arts of today.

    MMA: a specific competition that a Freestyle Martial Artist may enter, though not exclusively.

  3. no. Simply because, MMA isn't a martial art.

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