
Do you think (commentator) Bill O'Reilly is a hardcore sexual deviant like Rory Emerald said in a Q&A for FHM?

by Guest65704  |  earlier

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Do you think (commentator) Bill O'Reilly is a hardcore sexual deviant like Rory Emerald said in a Q&A for FHM?




  1. It would probably explain a few things

  2. No, he's not a sexual deviant.  Accusing him of that is just a diversion so people will stop thinking about the usual intelligent and reasonable things he says. It's just a way to attack someone when you don't really have a valid counter argument to present yourself.

  3. Nah... In fact- I don't think Bill "O" is a "hardcore" much of ANYTHING... So that's why I pay him "no-never-mind..." He has NOTHING to "say..."  :)

  4. Mr. Emerald is probably correct. Bill O'Reilly has major problems. I hope he gets help?

  5. O'Reilly is like a Rabid Rush Limbaugh , Highly judgemental and disparaging of others while too rude and imbecilic to even give fair  reporting of a situation in the news...Meanwhile back at the ranch they break laws to suit themselves...


  6. just another moron that tries to destroy what he cant understand. blasphemy is the first defense of the ignorant. you see a lot of that on yahoo.

  7. It is public information that O'Reilly was sued and settled the suit for sexual harassment of a staff member.

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