
Do you think concerns raised in the media of science are justified?

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scientific issues like hybrid embryo and climate change




  1. Yes, the concerns are justified.  It is unfortunate, however, that people are so poorly educated in science that they must rely on information brokers to supply them with food for thought.  If the average person could comprehend the scientific literature on global warming, or example, it is much more likely that people would be willing to accept reasonable solutions. Some issues such as stem cell science have been so badly muddled in the media and so agenda-driven in their reportage, that it is unlikely that 'the general public' will ever be able to make rational decisions.  

    The problem is not simply one of education, however.  People need to be encouraged to think and care about how their own allegedly moral or simply self-serving agendas affect others before scientific knowledge can be fully used to better human life.

  2. Media - a completely thoughtless, mindless, self serving format has never justified anything it has done. It's simple task is to inform. It is the reader, observer, whoever, to find clarity in what is presented.

  3. Media without attention grabbing headlines and soundbites would not have much of an audience.However I agree the media often create more heat than light.The tabloids make a living from it and not just in scary science headlines often unsupported by the ‘facts’ that follow (if any ). Even the less sensationalist media is guilty to an extent.Evey day we read or hear that someone is “concerned” or a “new report/survey” raises fears” blah blah blah.It is human nature that what sinks in at least first time around  is the”fear and concern”. The public however are not all dummies.Most people eventually spot the lack of substance and inconsistencies.The founder of the Manchester Guardian newspaper famously said that “whilst comment is free the facts are sacred.” The great British public have not totally lost the ability to distinguish one from the other.We not only want the media to bring things to our attention.We also expect them to follow up with relaible consistent information and know how to smell a rat when we see one ( you know what I mean)................

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