
Do you think cosmopolitan magazine is alittle over the top?

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i am not really a magazine person but for a project i had to compare cosmopolitan magazine with another magazine from different country. i was kinda shocked at what i found in cosmopolitan and was really self conscious when i was reading it at the in the store. i know people who read this magazine religiously and cant imagine how they do it I'm not a very uptight person but when they had images to show what positions were most pleasing to spice things up that's when i had to put it down and walk away. It makes me laugh because i didn't even know stuff like this was so readily available i can only imagine what my p*****n and new teen generations are reading about. btw I'm 16.




  1. Omg, yes it is, I don't even buy it any more.  The cover has too much s*x talk,  or how to get a man stuff, it's I buy Allure magazine.

  2. dont waste your time

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