
Do you think cost of living affects kindness?

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I overheard a conversation today where people were moaning about having to give a friend a lift. Saying petrol is expensive etc. The other lady was complaining about inviting people for supper, said she preferred to be invited, saved cooking, but would not invite due to the expense.

I just thought it would make interesting debate. You'd think the rich would be the kindest, but are they really? Even if that people had more money would they really stop moaning? Is what they doing now, training them and their kids to be stingy, unkind people?




  1. Yes, in a way i think it does, no matter how much you want to give, if you don't have to give , you just can't give at all

  2. no, you can be kind and poor, as well as kind and rich

    generousity is a wonderful thing that could break through this worldwide recession and bring hope

    unfortunately there are a lot of greedy misers in this world.

    what I want to know is WHY DOES GIVING always boil down to money? We should give of our time and talents too.

  3. Everyone above me is correct. The rich get richer and the poorer gets poorer. This is because the poor person will share what he has and the rich tends to hold on to their money and earthly possessions for dear life. I think there must be kind rich people and nasty poor people too, though.

  4. Kindness is something you have in you and it should not be affected by anything else.  

    Definitely looking at other options when shopping, but if I can help a friend, I will help where possible.

    The rising costs are affecting everyone (even the rich) and if you cannot afford to invite people for supper then share the meal. Everyone can contribute something and have a pleasant supper.

  5. The funny thing is that poor people are more likely to share the little that they have. This could be because they understand through their own experience what it is like to be on the receiving end.

    The problem with a rich person giving, is that people "expect" them to give all the time.  It is indeed a debatable thing. The rich person would argue that he has worked hard for what he has, and that the poor man can also work if he wants something!!

  6. I think for some people it is a having an affect. I must say I still give the car guards some money. Today I was at the Mall and a guy asked me if he can wash my car, my first thought was "its wasting money" then I started thinking it will feed a family for a day so I said yes. It makes me more happy knowing I'm helping someone survivethan having money in the bank.

  7. Rich people is more stingy than the poor people

    Poor people will still share what they have to eat

    Rich people tend to look down on you with remarks

    Yes cost of living can affect kindness you can only give what you have nothing more

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