
Do you think criminals deserve a second chance?

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so many people say that there trust worthy and there reformed characters only 2 go back and do the same things all over again, makes people who are honest not likely to have a chance in this world. would you employ a criminal?...someone who has done there time, or done probation?...i wondered what everyone thought on this matter thanx




  1. Depends on the crime and the circumstances - not all crimes are premeditated.  Many are done in passion, or desperation, fear, confusion.  Each case should be taken individually.

    On the whole, though, I'd favour a second chance for most.

  2. There are probably far more 'would be' criminals walking about right now than ex criminals. Generally speaking, I believe in a second chance, because many people have had a h**l of an upbringing. Regarding employment, I think it would depend on the nature of the crime, because you do have to think about the safety of others.

  3. It depends on the crime mate. Crimes like shop theft or possession then yes they should definately be given a second chance.

    The only crime I would never give a second chance to is nonsing

  4. I would have to say everyone is allowed a chance to prove they have changed and to be given a second chance. The problem is not that they are given the second chance it is that they did not learn from their mistake. There are a lot of trust worthy people who see the good in everyone which is a breathe of fresh air, but only to those who deserve such I say. Yes I would employ a criminal and I feel in most cases the time served has helped them find a way to making better choices and decisions and have truly learned a valuable lesson. I think that we all make mistake bad choices and decisions I feel if you did the time for the crime it is punishment enough and one should not have to pay for the rest of their life.

  5. It depends what the crime commited was. I think many criminals deserve a second chance because they have changed or want to change.

  6. depends on the crime, and the person. every case is different.

  7. Personally I think that some do deserve a second chance. Not all felons are second time offenders. My brother is actually a felon, and it's just terrible to see how he is judged. He is a wonderful person, and no one will ever know why he made the choices he did, but they were definitely choices that came from his soul. The law however only sees black and white, which is so sad. A lot of criminals that are involved with violence, no they shouldn't get a second chance. They made the choice to harm another human being, they should pay for it. Drug offenses, it's ridiculous when drug offenders can't get a decent job. Come on...

    I don't know, it's such a tough call... to much gray

  8. It would depend on their crime.

    Paedophiles and murderers deserve no second chance.

  9. What do you believe? Execute them for even minor crimes? Lock them up for life?

    There is a saying that goes something like: 'The person that has never made a mistake, has never made anything'.

    Your question really depends on the crime in question, but I'll tell you one thing, I would rather they were out and repaying society than all kept locked up, learning worse crimes whilst costing society huge amounts of money!

    Prison doesn't work, there must be a better way in the 21st Century for our criminals to be paying off their debt to society and not spending the rest of their lives locked up with even worse examples of humanity, being a drain on society!

    Everyone surely deserves a second chance, it's whether they deserve a third, a fourth and a fifth that is the question.

    How about letting them off the first time, tagging them and making them work the second time, locking them up on the third time and murdering them the fourth time?

  10. Your question is too broad. Not all criminals are the same. Not all crimes are the same.

    Their, not there.

  11. there rae many support agencies and volunteer groups for offenders and research shows those whom are assisted ( given a second chance) have a lower re offending rate than others.

      humanity also suggests we give somebody a second chance after making a mistake.

      there may however be some reasoning that habitual criminals should be treated  differently.

  12. It would depend on what crime they had committed and why they did it, but I would certainly give them a chance of employment if the crime was minor.

  13. Now that all depends, are all criminals reformed,  would you like Ian Huntley or Gary Glitter living next door to you on there release from prison. Would you be prepared to take a chance on them being reformed?  

  14. i think w/e criminals do to others...should be done to them

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