
Do you think cupons actually make you spend more money, because you buy stuff you would'nt normally buy??

by  |  earlier

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  1. they don't "MAKE" you do anything - just don;t use them unless it's stuff you normally buy -

  2. Well, if you purchase something just because you have a coupon for it, then yes, and it is a good markeing ploy for some companies, because, for some reason, when people have coupons for something, there more ap to purchase it, rathan than if they didn't have a coupon, but thats mostly for shopoholics anyways ;)

    but, if your using a coupon for somethign that you need, and were going to buy anyways then no... :)

  3. well if you just buy stuff because you have a coupon then yes but I only buy things I would normally buy anyway so I am saving a little bit of money

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