
Do you think cyber cheating when you are married & not sexually satisfied ?

by  |  earlier

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christian faith . no love from husband .tried counceling, meeting w. preacher he has been against.and it wont ever happen,.( his choice )

thats my story.

Q: do you think ciber is cheating. I do know it (I guess ) is, but makes me wunder sometimes. Isnt it better then me going & finding outside & actually doing it ? LOng story short.husbnd I arent sexually compatable, never ever was since beginning. just thought it wud 'change for the best '... 6 yrs married.and im at my ends w. a divorce which i havnt gotten papers yet. but for my daughter I stay for now. so what do you think ?(ps. yes Ive done it b4 marriage, but never after marriage I have been totally faithful to him.Never unfaithful.)..thnx in advance.




  1. hi zeo.there are alot of people that are experiencing the same thing as you.cyber is definitely not the way.its not any different from p**n being of the christian faith. you know the rules.still the situation need to be satisfied.being without  s*x shouldnt be the reason for divorce.unfaithfulness is the only way that divorce is permitted.try different ways to get your husbands attention.dressing s**y,flirtatious,exc .stay positive girl.give it your all..

  2. In terms of your christian faith them yes you know it is cheating to even lust after someone else in your mind. There are so many women out there in your shoes and yet so many men who wish they had a woman who was more willing.

    This is just my 2 cents worth. In a relationship if one partner is not providing what the other is needing and they have ask and ask eventually they will be someone else come along that is more that willing to take care of their needs.

    I am not saying that an affair is right but if my husband was not providing what I needed eventually I would find it elsewhere. It is just a part of who I am. I know what I want and need. So, the question is who are you?  

    Also, there are many other ways other than an affair to be satisfied that I will not put on here however if you are interested you can contact me and I will try to help.

    Anyway hope this helps

  3. yes cyber s*x is cheating. and potentially dangerous. Just divorce , you are showing your daughter a poor relationship model anyway.

    s*x is way to important to some people, me being one, to go with out it. If hub was injured or some other problem that interfered with our s*x life, that is a different story. But for now we better be doing it most nights!

    Maybe you can try a therapist. Is he g*y?

    You will never have the relationship you crave and deserve  with this man. You owe yourself more.

  4. Cyb-er s*x eventually will lead to the real thing.  You have done counseling and you need to make a decision.  It sounds like you need to get an education to support yourself.  What made you get married in the first place?  Was it pregnancy?  Maybe divorce maybe the right thing no matter what the preacher thinks because if you are Catholic, asking them for marriage advice is useless because they don't get married and most married preachers are not experienced in clinical counseling, only dogma.  They want you to suffer the rest of your life and be a martyr.  Your husband deserves better too.  I bet there is a woman out there who will appreciate him and I am sure you will find someone who may make you an honest woman.  Go to a professional counselor because as a Christian woman you need to find someone that you will have incentive to be faithful.

  5. i dont consider it cheating no! I am surpised u havent divorced yet sense u have not have s*x with him lately! I wouldnt be able to wait 6 years and not have s*x! I couldnt even handle 4 years let alone 6.

  6. instead of waisting time with your hand and the computer, you should be putting the effort into your marriage and trying to fix it.

  7. What a messy story to figure out. Yes having s*x on the internet is cheating. But isn't it a sin to refuse to have s*x with your spouse and expect your spouse to go through life without ever having s*x again?

    You have a choice! Either you spend the rest of your life being miserable in a sexless marriage or you get a divorce. Yes! It really is as simple as that.

  8. PLease don't stay for the child. Children know when things are bad between their parents. I was very aware of the things going on in my household and my parents stayed together until my father walked out on her during my first year of college. It affected me in a very bad way. it was awful. It sounds like there really isn't a marriage. You've tried everything. So, I think you should go for the divorce and start your life over again. My Mum had to start again after 19 years of marriage...she had been a Navy nurse before I was born so she had to take courses to get her training more current. She became stronger and got a job and an apartment and has been so much better.

    Are there any family, friends who can help you out or be there for you during this? Even a doctor or counselor would be good to get an idea of what to do with your life.

    As for cyber cheating....yes, it's cheating and you know it. I tried it for awhile (though I wasn't cheating...just lonely) and it left me feeling cheap and useless and completely disgusted with myself. It definatley wasn't worth it.

    Hang in there. Things will get better. Fight to make them better. Take care of yourself and your child.

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