
Do you think dancing on boys/sitting in there lap is wrong at a party?

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It's kinda hard to explain. Well like them on a wall and your butt where his *stuff* is and like grinding dancing, popping on him is wrong?

I am 15 years old and very responsible. Just be truthful&& have you ever did it(as in dancing on a boy/sitting in there lap like on couch or something)??




  1. Ive done it a few times. most of them took place at a school dance so that tells you its not that bad.

    plus at the school dances we have trains where its a bunch

    of guys and girls grinding on each other. its quite fun i think. :)

    and sittin on a guys lap isnt that big of a deal.

  2. I think that looks nasty when people do that. I have never done it and I don't plan on doing it. It is essentially a dirty form of dancing and I think that at 15 you shouldn't be doing it that way. It may give the guy the wrong idea. Best of luck.

  3. in my opinion it's wrong......

  4. Yeah that's a bit S****y.  If you have been with this guy for a while, then it is a bit better, but if I saw you I would consider you as easy.

    I started dating my boyfriend when I was 14, and yes, I probably did do this when I was 15.  But I'm 19 now, and STILL with him.

  5. no!!!!!! ~xoxo ally*

  6. It's alright . .

    If your a stripper at a nightclub or a w***e.

  7. No, I have never sat on a male's lap on purpose. It is pretty desperate and gross.  

  8. I dance with my boyfriend like that all the time..

    And I always sit on his lap.. It's more comfy. :P

    I don't think it's wrong..

    As long as you don't go around and do that to every guy there, cause then people will think you're a s**t. =/

  9. Well my ex boyfriend sat on my lap lol really unusual but  he always wanted me to sit in his lap but he was a lot shorter so i didn't cause i felt like i was going to hurt him haha.

    But i don't think that's too wrong but maybe a little.

  10. I have to say it's wrong

  11. Thats a bit wrong.

  12. No. Ew. Yeah, I would do that stuff with my boy friend, but not with some random guy at some random wild party.

  13. lol, coming from a 15 year old boy, id say its not wrong, but in a few years ill look back and think for the age it is

  14. At 15?  yea ...

    Come on, chick, you can't even spell.  And your grammar is horrible.  Concentrate on school instead.  In the end, that's what MORE attractive.

  15. That is a not good thing to do in public at any age.

    At your age, you shouldn't even know anything about it.

    Go back to school and try to learn what the teachers are teaching.

    You are a bit too young to be learning other things.

  16. yeah thats called grinding.

    and yes, i do that. 14, been doing it since i was 13

    i dont think its wrong at all, like its just dancing

    and yeaah.. i sit on guys laps and they sit on mine rofl

    its not a big deal..

    oh and Brookii i meant to give you a thumbs up but i gave you a thumbs down by accident, sorry!

  17. if ur teasing them yes its wrong but if u guys r just like friends and ur both haven fun its fine

  18. Yes, it's wrong, unless your a lot older and just do it to your boyfriend or hubby in private. Other than that it just looks S****y. Sorry..  

  19. thats not wrong well not to me ive sat on one of my guys friend lap and freak dancing isnt nasty either like i dance like that and i think its just like regular dancing

  20. no theres nuthin wrong with that

    and for the boy just say yes if u like him and he likes you go for it

  21. dancing in their lap while they are sitting down is called a lap dance; that's what strippers do. grinding is normal for someone your age

  22. Haha!!!!

    Yes. of course its fine. And yes I have grinded on him. And he loves it.

    It turns them on so badly it's halarious.

    yes. I have sat on guys laps. and nothing is wrong with that.

  23. the lap seat isnt that bad but the wall is were u take him to freak him down. you may be giving the wrong impression though. teenage boys r like a shaken soda can...just ready to bust at any moment.

  24. hA! i went to a parrty and sat on a few dudes laps--and one was the dude i like and he likes me too.

    at the same party there were people your age and younger grinding and lotsa stuff

    so if it was okay for them to do it--i don't see why it isn't for you


    have fun at your parties!

  25. It is disgusting.  Not appropriate public behavior.  

    Dancing is not done against walls, sitting on chairs, (unless it is a wheeled chair).  Dancing is done in public on a dance floor. it _IS not a warm up for sex_.  IS NOT, IS NOT, IS NOT.  So don't.

    And yes I was shouting.  

  26. girls dance on boys alllll the time, its how we dance now. so im thinking it should be okay. every party/dance ive ever been to almost everyone is dancing like that.

    sitting on a boys lap is not a big deal.

    its what theyre there for :]

  27. I think thats an innapropriate way for a young lady to dance.

    Unless you are a stripper and he's slipping ones in your g-string.. don't dance this way.. it only sends out the wrong message to guys.

  28. For a 15 year old, yes, I think it's a little inappropriate  

  29. i dont think its wrong, its just dancing and you are having fun!

  30. how else are you ment to dance with guys???? really im serious, 15-17 guys dont dance unless its dirty. BUT i wouldnt do that the whole time, just like if he spin me round but i'd spin back after a few minutes. I dont dance like that anymore coz i hardly dance these days, but back when we would get together for parties and stuff thats how we would dance.

    IT may be S****y but its funn and there is no harm in it.

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