
Do you think demi Lovato and Joe Jonas make a cute couple?

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Do you think demi Lovato and Joe Jonas make a cute couple?




  1. heck yes they do! I think it doesnt really matter that she is only 15 and he is 18. how can people complain about that when 20 year olds are marrying 70 year olds! I mean really.

    But I think they do make a really cute couple. even though they say they are just friends. :(  

  2. yeah sure

  3. yes.

  4. yes i definitely think that they make a cute couple. i wouldn't be surprised if sooner or later they started going out. i mean if you watch camp rock you can totally tell that they SO like each other a lot and its not just the acting. and plus who cares if he's like 2 or 3  years older than her other people are like 10 or 20 years older than their significant other.  =)

  5. yes but demi needs to get her teeth straightned out

  6. um no i don't think so. i am not just saying that because i don't want them to go out i do they are both very nice but no they don't make a cute couple

  7. No becuase Joe is a little too old for her. She is like 15 and he is like 18 so I feel Demi is better for Nick. But I think Nick and Selena are together. Honestly, who cares?


  8. yes they do make a good couple!

  9. Um...who are they?

  10. maybe

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