
Do you think democrats will put national security before global warming on their secret agenda?

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Do you think democrats will put national security before global warming on their secret agenda?




  1. if it is a secret, how do you know about it?

  2. Of course not.  The Libtards don't mind foreigners blowing things up and killing people in this country as long as the bombs they use don't harm the environment.

  3. no way at all....

  4. GAWD I hope not.  If the whole planet becomes uninhabitable, national security will only be an issue for the cockroaches and litle crabs that live by the deep oceanic vents.

    But If we can save the planet, national security should be doable.

  5. no...the tree huggers own their booties

  6. yes because all of this is one big secret agenda oh please we have two different viewpoints on how to run a country we always have and we always will unfortunately common sense never never comes into play anymore on either side of the aisle. There is no secret liberals are dillusional and conservatives are rational. If Clinton would have been in office during 9/11 the Dems would have thought it was a great idea to bomb those people back to the stone age, but unfortunately there was a Republican in office and that is what he tried to but America can't stomach a war that lasts more then two weeks we are a country of instant gratification. But here is where your secret agenda lies is in that little box in your living room that millions of people plant there overweight uninformed asses in front of everynight so America keep watching your American Idol and stupid unreality TV, making all your information about your world and the future of your childrens country from CNN and the other liberal agenda stations (and before I get 1000 emails about FOX) they all have an agenda they are not reporters anymore. So that is my opinion  I could be wrong .

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