
Do you think different of someone if they work at a fast food place?

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Do you think different of someone if they work at a fast food place?




  1. Not at all.....why should I? Am I the creator of earth? NO. Have I made mistakes? YES. Then who am I to judge anyone for trying to make an HONEST living?

  2. no, everybody needs a job regardless what type of work in.

  3. Not really. I guess some people do, hence the question. I think a lot of people do, but c'mon it's a job.

  4. not at all, at least they are doing something and not trying to get the government to pay them for sitting at home

  5. No.  In fact, I think poorly of people who look down on fast food workers, janitors, secretaries, etc.

    Not everyone is interested in a "career".  I actually have more respect for the McDonald's worker, than I do the recent college grad who refuses to take a job that isn't in "their field".

  6. No, at least they're working an honest job.

    However it doesn't stay that way if I'm left waiting for my whopper without mayo for 15 minutes.  Then it gets nasty...

  7. Nope i dont, unless they look a little greasy. try to look clean when working at a restaurant

  8. no its somewhere to start to earn a little something to support your self either because your going to school and etc..but the main point is sometimes people like starting low to gain experience of helping people and then get out into the real world and be better and or they like settling for ok and still maintain a good life but just the main point is that its helping them get somewhere, they are bettering themselves and or they are happy where their at : )

  9. Usually in the fast food restaurants like McD's or Burger King (for my location) work spanish speaking or foreign people that can hardly get your order sometimes because their english is not so good. When I go there they do not look very happy, no smile like it is my fault that they work there. Do not get me wrong every job is a job when you need money but that should be just temporary. I have worked for 7-eleven for 3-4 months and it is pretty the same sh*t. You just charge customers, clean the store and you can feel that sometimes they feel sorry for you. Once a customer tipped me $50 because He said that I looked like I needed money but they probably do not know that I am saving money for school and I would have better future than standing there, scanning barcodes and collecting money looking like a r****d who is gonna do it forever. As I said just temporary untill you find  better paid and more respected job that gives you self-esteem.

  10. Yes.

    If it's a teenager in his/her first job, I think "Good for you!"

    If it's a college student, I think "This job probably has flexible hours, can work the schedule around classes and exams, etc."

    If it's a young adult, I think "Must be a manager trainee" or else, "Seems like a high school dropout; this is as good as it gets" or else "Maybe this is a part-time extra job to pay off college loans or buy diapers and clothes for the baby."

    If it's a middle-aged adult who is not the owner or manager, I think, "Poor guy/woman must have been down-sized out of a better (higher pay, more benefits) job and can't find anything else.  Hope s/he doesn't lose the house."

    If it's a senior, I think either "S/he wants to keep active, be around!" or else, "Poor thing can't afford to retire and has to keep's really too bad."

    I admire anyone who engages in honest work, but as someone said in a previous answer, fast food is a stepping stone job; you cannot make a living at it unless you're in management.   It can be a fine place to start, but it's hardly a dream job for anyone with more than a very short resume, so I tend to wonder why someone old enough to have passed the entry-level career stage would be doing this sort of work for very long without attempting management.  And there are very many good reasons, I'm sure, all of which are none of my or anyone else's dam* business.  Carry on with head high, and tell anyone who looks askance to get stuffed.

  11. Yes I do.  I'm very respectful of the fact that they have a job and aren't home on the couch, drinking sterno and complaining that their old ladies welfare doesn't pay enough to afford real booze!

  12. sort of ... but like the other people who answered, i'd basically respect them for just working, regardless of WHERE it was at.


  14. 'Think different?

    Very strange question!

                                       Think about this, I am a fully qualified engineer , I go into my local bar very often, I sit down and have a beer, (or two) I strike up a conversation with a guy at the bar, I base my opinion  on this guy on the way the conversation goes.

    If I feel this guy is a complete  di*k head then it matters not at  all where he works , or what his job is, he is to me a complete di*k head!

                                 I don't base my  opinion on  where a guy works, just on how we get along. He could  well be a director of a large multi national company, and still in my eyes be a complete di**k head!

                                    Right, now lets get down to your case, or whoever it is you are asking about.

                                     My personal opinion means nothing , but you have thrown this question into the general arena.

                                       I can only give my opinion, which is, the person working is actually working, it matters not at all to me what they are working at  or who for.

  15. NOWAY!  Work is work.....You gotta do what you gotta do to pay bills and support your loved ones.

  16. No, a job is a job.

  17. if over 3yrs, and they're not atleast in management yet, yes I would think less of them...but I'm just being honest. Fast food is stepping stone, not a career, unless you're managing. By the way, McD's managers make a ton of money, but work a ton of hours.

  18. no it is a job,,,like most of us,,,

  19. No.  They are out making a living.

  20. I understand your question it only makes me think when that person has a nasty attitude,I think that why they work there they ca't get a better job,for all the nice people I think nothing off it or if I do I think how they are working to get ahead,

  21. no

  22. absolutly not... I am glad they atleast have a job.

  23. Never.

  24. Why would I? I can't knock someone's hustle. I'm not that superficial and shallow. So the answer is NO. You do what you have to do to make an honest living. I wish some people would get off their high horse.

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